Thursday, February 24, 2011

How To Describe A Hot Body

Cyclamen hederifolium: foliage varied! Buxus suffruticosa

It there are small pleasures that brighten the garden of our days late winter, gray ... or white because it snowed a little this morning.
few years ago, when the garden was not yet built, I planted some Cyclamen hederifolium in a corner of the pine forest. I do not bore me in this little place, except for picking up pine needles. I do not therefore took advantage of flowering and foliage that is, I did not pay attention. Actually, I do not even notice these cyclamen ...
knows why, one morning, I'm worried their spread? On this side there, nothing happened; ants should not hang there ...
Then last year I dug up my bulbs and I planted at the other end of the garden, beneath a big tree where nothing much grows but where I go often. It seems that the cyclamen likes limestone soils ... This was not the case at that point!

Anyway, these bulbs seem to prosper and ants were put to work: small cyclamen germinate among the fir needles and leaves of ivy.

It is true that it must be observed to notice something. Left red arrow, a small cyclamen do not confuse the right with the ivy Glechoma hederacea Use ground or (blue arrow).
Ivy Glechoma are welcome and they furnish the ground when the leaves of cyclamen disappear.

And then another surprise: the foliage! I thought that all had the same cyclamen leaves. I was worried just flower color. Until I discovered the blog of Garden Berthille that there were very nice foliage with variegation varied.

Determined to fill that corner ungrateful, I started to watch this case germination. At the same time I paid attention to those famous leaves. And what was not my surprise to discover many different leaves from a bulb to another, differing in their variegation, but also by color or the leaf shape. I'm quite surprised, but also quite pleased with my discovery ! Here is something I do not neglect on my future purchases.

leaves shine a little, this morning the snow turned into rain fine.


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