Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Game Where You Can Build Your Own Campus

love God and serve him with an undivided heart. (Second game.)

Thus, for us children of God, love our neighbor should be part of our piety, that is to say, this way of life that characterize our membership in the Family of God in everyday life. We are also stimulated by the word of our Lord "I tell you the truth, whenever you have done it unto the least of these brothers of mine (even if only to give him a glass cold water), it's me that you have made. " (Matthew 10:42, cf. Matthew 25:40)

In reality, this is how we show that we really love God. This can be practiced without brilliant action. But it is mostly - if not only - this way we show we are born from above: "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if you have love for each other. "(John 13.35)

The Lord was waiting for Peter that he shows his commitment to graze his sheep. What a lesson for trying the disciple! It was well chosen. he will write no later than: "Tend the flock of God which is among you, not by constraint but willingly, as God, not for sordid gain, but with dedication ; not as dominant on those you are due share, but being examples to the flock. "(1 Peter 5.2-3)

serve God in this love is the sharing of every child of God, even if it is not without some effort. Again, it is Peter who shows us the way: "Having purified your souls in obeying the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly with all your heart" (1 Peter 1.22) as elsewhere in Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us here that this love is grown (see . 2 Peter 1:5-8 : there is even talk of efforts to provide!), and that it learned of God (cf. 1 Thessalonians 4.9).

Lord's letter to the church of Ephesus tells us how point we must cultivate this love at the risk of having to incur severe punishment from him ( Apocalypse 2:4-5)!

... to be continued ...

Source: The Good Seed / E.Ropp


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