Monday, February 28, 2011

Kates Playground Zip Sets Online

Come on, I start with a little wakeup call:
When creating a blog, I've said that I 'had intended to present the garden month by month. So as it is, more or less attractive depending on when and no photo retouched or taken out of season (unless I am referring to a previous post).

Today I take you have a look on the side of short grass evergreen garden. Yellow, green, blue, red ... it gives a little relief to massive bare by winter. The

photographed here two days ago, so not at their best form. Then why you have these conditions? Well, because I think that with all they have endured in recent months, they are not faring too badly. And gardeners who must cope with a harsh climate, although we will see "housed in the same boat!

Carex hachijoensis "Evergold" has a very bright foliage. He likes everywhere: in dry soil or fresh. I associate it with ferns persisted. In tight clumps it forms a nice ground cover maintenance free.

Carex buchananii Carex or Bronze. I install it willingly among the leaves red because the center of the plant was blushed. It grows everywhere and sow abundantly.

Carex "Silversceptre", a bit sloppy after the snow this Winter ... I'm about to groom it to produce new shoots pale green and white variegation. It likes the freshness and spreads by stolons that were deleted with ease.

Carex morrowii "variegata" and his buddy right, a Carex escaped from the nearby forest!
Note in passing the foam which invaded the floor of the undergrowth.

Carex testacea 'Prairie Fire' finds its bright orange color on sunny days
because it needs sunlight to be colored.

In rock, the popular Stipa tenuifolia. She also sow abundantly.

Among the "blue grass" and in its apparent fragility, Helictrotrichon sempervirens resistant to - 20 ° C. I planted at the bottom of the pine forest, in full sun and very dry soil.
It is true that this season grass that does not give the best of itself. In the month of May it will resume its beautiful blue color and a pretty rewarding to us as a long flowering stems, agitated at the slightest breath of wind.

In the pines again, a cover of Festuca glauca "Elijah Blue." Again the weight of the snow has flattened a bit. I'm about to comb with a small rake that I pass in the foliage clean. Like Helictrotrichon sempervirens, they rependront their blue tint in the sun. Well-drained soil essential.

Finally here Carex 'Frosted Curls'. I keep it in the pot so that its light green foliage late fall on the edges of the container.

These small grasses are very accommodating and I confess that I can not do without! Only a few will need a little grooming in the spring. The others will re beauty alone. And all held company in summer clothing, with many plants of massive I'll introduce in the coming months.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Front Tooth Broken Cost


By visiting "My Heath Earth", what has not been my surprise to discover my name and my garden, in the trio nominated by Marie- Noelle! Like the latter, I do not usually find the distinctions, but how could I refuse this gift of a faithful correspondent with whom I have much in common? And again, I am pleased to learn that Sylvia and Violet are at my side!
I therefore thank you to our friend.

From the inception of my blog, I followed with interest the notes Marie-Noëlle. It seems that Britons and Franc-Comtois have some similarities. I immediately guessed a flower with a strong character. Which could only please me.
Marie-Noëlle presents us with beautiful pink but ... tells us that do not like them! Eric Tabarly His rose is beautiful. I hope that I recently planted, will become as strong as that of "My Earth Heather" ...
I just discovered in his garden plants at the pace sometimes "exotic", which I learn a lot because I can not afford to plant them here.
And then there's Marie-Noelle and camellias! Need a name, a reference? Unbeatable on our topic Jardinautes! Passion when you hold us ...
Then Marie-Noëlle, continuous we dream by sharing with us your travels, or by presenting us your remarkable flowering.

Les fleurs du jardin

And now is the time to make a choice, and believe me, it's really not easy! Marie-Noelle was arrested with three names, but for my part, I will go to five, well sorry for not able to expand the list!
So, in alphabetical order, the nominees are ...

's Garden Berthille (Blandine)
Garden Brigitte (Brigitte)
's Garden Chêneland (Jocelyne)
My garden's evolution (Marcel)
A little corner of nature (Marie-Claude)

Briefly, I will summarize the reasons that tipped the balance :

If Blandine is a passionate gardener, she also has an encyclopedic knowledge of plants! Doubt on identification? Come on, hop garden Berthille certainly has the answer! The good mood too! Chez Brigitte

, I appreciate the natural side of her garden, and as she is concerned to preserve biodiversity, we are on the same wavelength.

Jocelyne ... surprised! I guess a lot of work in the care she brings to her Chêneland, the choice and combination of plants.

The behavior of "eco-responsible" Marcel is noteworthy. The simplicity and weighting in its tickets, all sprinkled with a little humor ... And then, finally, a gardener among the ladies, not just a "carrier of wheelbarrows" ...

Plants by Marie-Claude are chosen agreement with my personal tastes. And who could resist so fancy?

And now a reminder of the rule of the game:

- Accepting the Award and write a post about that which you have been awarded.
- selected from 3 to 5 blogs that you like and tell them they have won.
- Send the link to your blog to these people

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How To Describe A Hot Body

Cyclamen hederifolium: foliage varied! Buxus suffruticosa

It there are small pleasures that brighten the garden of our days late winter, gray ... or white because it snowed a little this morning.
few years ago, when the garden was not yet built, I planted some Cyclamen hederifolium in a corner of the pine forest. I do not bore me in this little place, except for picking up pine needles. I do not therefore took advantage of flowering and foliage that is, I did not pay attention. Actually, I do not even notice these cyclamen ...
knows why, one morning, I'm worried their spread? On this side there, nothing happened; ants should not hang there ...
Then last year I dug up my bulbs and I planted at the other end of the garden, beneath a big tree where nothing much grows but where I go often. It seems that the cyclamen likes limestone soils ... This was not the case at that point!

Anyway, these bulbs seem to prosper and ants were put to work: small cyclamen germinate among the fir needles and leaves of ivy.

It is true that it must be observed to notice something. Left red arrow, a small cyclamen do not confuse the right with the ivy Glechoma hederacea Use ground or (blue arrow).
Ivy Glechoma are welcome and they furnish the ground when the leaves of cyclamen disappear.

And then another surprise: the foliage! I thought that all had the same cyclamen leaves. I was worried just flower color. Until I discovered the blog of Garden Berthille that there were very nice foliage with variegation varied.

Determined to fill that corner ungrateful, I started to watch this case germination. At the same time I paid attention to those famous leaves. And what was not my surprise to discover many different leaves from a bulb to another, differing in their variegation, but also by color or the leaf shape. I'm quite surprised, but also quite pleased with my discovery ! Here is something I do not neglect on my future purchases.

leaves shine a little, this morning the snow turned into rain fine.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Amtico V Karndean Cost

To complete my previous post and answer your questions about the differences between varieties of boxwood that I have presented here some pictures. They are not very explicit, so I have them along with some comments.

This is the Buxus suffruticosa

The balls were formed almost naturally. It requires virtually no size, so the growth is slow. This is my favorite.

The leaves are small, bright green. The foliage is dense.

By removing the foliage, we see the branches very fine, highly branched from the base.

And here is the common boxwood, thicker foliage and a darker green.

The branches are larger and stiffer too. Used in topiary, it is much less elegant than its predecessor. It is that which is found mostly in the garden because it grows very fast.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Colors Of Faith Story

Listen to these words!

"They were all amazed and marveled, and they said one to another, Behold, the people who speak do not they all Galileans? And how hear us in our own language to everyone in our mother tongue? "
Acts 2.7-8

While the narrative of the Spirit descending from heaven to Jesus' disciples at Pentecost is absolutely glorious through its various manifestations: a noise that comes from heaven and filled the house like a mighty wind, the appearance of tongues of fire arising at each of the disciples who were then all filled with the Holy Spirit putting himself to speak in other languages.

These other languages, the languages they began to speak under the action of the Holy Spirit enabled them to communicate with the Parthians, Medes, Elamites, with those who inhabit Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt, the territory of Libya, Rome, Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs, so these languages enabled them to communicate.

These men, so different backgrounds themselves confessed that the speech delivered by the disciples in their vernacular, they exhibited " the wonders of God !

The Holy Spirit was received well equipped and capable men made small, simple, without major academic qualifications, to proclaim the wonders of God order they are received as such , transmission of a revelation.

2 Corinthians 3:6 ¶ "It also made us able ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit: for the letter kills but the Spirit gives life. "

1 Thessalonians 1.5" our gospel you have not been preached in word only but in power, the Holy Spirit and with much assurance, "

The fear is legitimate, as followers of Jesus could sense in the context of Jerusalem, hostile environment for those who were disciples of the Lord, this fear had been replaced by a spontaneous impulse to the lost.

2 Timothy 1:7 "For it is not a spirit of fear that God has given us, but a spirit of power, love and self-control."

How Pentecost in the heart of a child of God must first bring this dynamic, this desire to defend, protect, share, proclaim the grace received at the Cross at all men!

This is what must be the Lord's Church: "... the pillar and ground of truth. "1 Timothy 3:15

Let us not stigmatize and discredit anyone who does not speak perhaps language in our meetings but is consumed by the zeal of the House of God, passionate for souls who are lost, sinful men indefatigable perseverance to throw and throw again the nets at sea, opinionated intercessor for his family, his neighborhood, his country, it is more than some animated by the Holy Spirit of Pentecost .

is much less by the abundance of his consecration as glossolalia field is revealed the true witness of Christ.

Acts 1:8 "But ye shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. "

Like Peter, the first evangelist of the Church was born, like Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, never stop to question the men and women around us:

"... listen to these words! "Acts 2.22

C. Guizard

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pokémon Doujins Online

He remains faithful.

".. if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he can not disown himself. "2 Timothy 2:13

What great and fundamental truth is we recalled here!

Far from the idea, wrong, some, sometimes, relay and convey, in that God continue to bless the one who denies ignoring his sin, we are told instead that God is the even under our wanderings, he follows us forever in the bad way and it encourages us obviously to no time to shop there. "(Romans 6.23; Ezekiel 18:30; Acts 14.15 )

What a grace to know that line of thought and action of God is right, that His Word does not change and it is, then, rightly trusted.

"For I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth pass, it will not disappear from the law one jot or one tittle up what all happened. "Matthew 5:18

What a blessing to realize that God will stand firm on our lives to accomplish what the Scriptures proclaim, what they promise! God is faithful in his warnings in the same way as it is in his promises!

When, in his blindness, a believer abandons the way of holiness, knowing and feeling God's disapproval, to carry the conviction that carries the rejection of salvation he had received, the lead-free no doubt reflect, ponder their choice, informed by the light of the objective law of God and to return, penitent, ask forgiveness from God. ( 1 John 1:9, Ezekiel 33:6, John 15.11-24 )

"So the law was a tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we are justified by faith. "Galatians 3:24

How can we discern in this" remains faithful "still a mark of our love for God and he who loses his outstretched hand to remove the pit, hand which must, of course, be seized without delay! ( 2 Corinthians 6:2, Ezekiel 33:11 )

But even greater is the joy produced by this verse in the heart of the man who perseveres every day hello to translate his deeds (Ephesians 4.1- 3)! What promise that knowledge to rely on his God whose Word is similar to him in the same immanent principle of immutability.

"Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren: Every good and perfect gift down from above, the Father of lights, with whom there is no change neither shadow of turning. "Jacques 1.16-17

Malachi 3:6" For I am the LORD, I change not "

Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever."

Apocalypse 1:8 "I am the Alpha and the Omega, saith the Lord God who is and who was and is to come, the Almighty."

Do not doubt and be encouraged and renewed in our service and our march to Heaven. Our God will fulfill His Church to all the words that He has given him.

It may be time for you to get up and resume your walk, then meet with all your heart to the call of your God.

Come to the Cross and receive healing, salvation, life in Jesus Christ, He waits. ( Apocalypse 3.20; John 6:37 )

"May the God of peace himself sanctify you any integer, and your whole being, mind, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ! He who calls you is faithful and he will. "1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

C. Guizard

Talking About How Horniy

love God and serve him with an undivided heart. (Part Four).

Postulate # 2:" The Christian hope not receive any favor because of his obedience, nor fear of incurring any punishment because of his misconduct. " (P.79)

The passages we have quoted above also apply to this postulate. Such a statement could seriously disturb the progress of the Christian. Paul said he does not: "If ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if by the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. For all who are led by the Spirit God is the son of God. " (Romans 8.13-14) ?
And our Lord warned: "but if you do not forgive men, neither will your Father forgive you your trespasses not." (Matthew 6.15) Do not forgive is well a "debt"!

And what about the warning of Hebrews: "For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there is no more sacrifice for sins" (Hebrews 10.26 ) ? Do not take these words seriously, does not it that we take refuge in a hello that was not before? Nor should we forget that "For we are made partakers of Christ, if we keep firmly to the end assured that we at the beginning," (Hebrews 3.14). (......)

J. Bridges goes further by stating: "Yes, he (God) is pleased with you because he sees you as holy and without default in Christ. " If the sight of God on us when we introduce into heaven in His presence will indeed be one, as long as we're here on earth God wants us to repent of sins that we are still capable of committing. The most obvious is perhaps that of incest at Corinth (cf. 1 Corinthians 5.1). The Apostle calls Christians of that city to react strongly cons of the situation.


source: the good seed / E.Ropp

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Best Line Art Program

and Co. The box ... production "home"

I took the box in the garden well before they become "Trend" in the words of the moment.

All Blacks Boxwood Pine is a "production house". Ie they were taken from cuttings I made there almost twenty years.

In the village of La Chaux forest where we spent our family vacation, or almost every garden, still had his foot boxwood, which they cut a branch for Palm Sunday. An elderly neighbor had therefore also at the bottom of his garden, a huge and ancient boxwood whose boughs insinuated themselves into the barrier wall our properties. So I collect my cuttings and planted this shrub in my garden small sections of about ten centimeters. And I wait ...
Because you really have patience when cutting the Buxus suffruticosa . This lovely boxwood very slow-growing end (and extremely slow).
But it is definitely worth wait. It's so nice when we see the result.

My boxwood balls starting to grow bigger, I've put in the ground when I created my new garden.

These are aligned at the garden entrance.

In summer the scenery is complemented by roses and perennials low on the front of the massif.

Others are scattered right and left in clumps. Beneath the pines, the ground is well drained, even a little dry. The box is pretty frugal, and one of them particularly successful at the edge of the stairs of the pine forest. It is a sphere which proudly displays its 70 inches! It was however at the same time cutting but the location suits him so much that he surpassed the others in size.

The maintenance of this area has not yet been undertaken and I have not bothered to "comb" it before the shot. It is strewn with pine needles that fall year-round in the pine forest.
Sometimes a snake unfortunately sometimes takes refuge in the summer!

Maintenance of Buxus suffruticosa is almost nil: it happens that some years I do not even size! And I find it so pleasing to the eye as touch, with their small leaves, very sweet.

More pleasant in any case that the common topiary boxwood, Buxus sempervirens Rotundifolia, which are usually available in garden centers, and whose foliage is coarse, stiff stems. But finally, this one grows fast ...

That's why I used it for the hedge that I planted near the kitchen. Again from my own cuttings. And because the growth is fast enough, I cut the hedge once or twice a year to maintain it at around 1 m 20 high .

The hedge the massive structure that cut in half, while announcing another part of the garden, where such a small vegetable garden.

Well, there's a bit bare: the photo is Monday afternoon under gray skies. And deciduous shrubs are still dormant.

But on sunny days, when even gay!

The hedge serves as a foil to shrubs and perennials spring summer.

I hope I have convinced (s)! Then in the month of September, your scissors is easy and economical. Here's how:
Cut sections of ten centimeters. Remove lower leaves and dip the cutting in hormone powder. Shake off excess. Optionally, mixing a little sand and compost into the soil and bedding in a corner of the garden. Baste.
For my part, I do not use rooting hormone. I never had the bag on hand at the right time , Where he was outdated. And because it works without hormones ...
As for the amendment of the earth, do not talk to me especially peat! Since I discovered the irreversible damage done in the bogs, I decided not to use this material to the garden.
And finally, it is good to know that the box contains an alkaloid that can cause skin irritation in sensitive individuals.

Redken Hair Color Conversion Chart

Jeremiah 17.8

Friday, February 11, 2011

Bmx Bikes Under 30 Pounds

Atlas Shrugged Part 1

Finally here is the trailer of the first part of the film Atlas Shrugged.

What is unfortunate is that probably no film of Quebec will introduce this film and it will cross the border to see it in theaters. ..

Age Og Kings Patch 2.0a

Whoever has the key.

"Write to the angel of the Church of Philadelphia: Thus saith the Holy One, the True, the one who has the key of David, who opens and no one close, who closes and no one shall open. .. "
Apocalypse 3.7

The Lord is in this letter to the church in Philadelphia, describe itself as "one who has the key." To do this, it will refer to Scripture and more specifically to the writings of the prophet Isaiah:

"I will put on his shoulder the key to the house of David: When it opens, no one can shut, When he close, no one shall open. " Isaiah 22.22

The key, to which Isaiah refers must be worn on the shoulder, she is this piece of wood that allowed either to the city gates to be securely closed, either by removing it, to be wide open. What a beautiful picture we are offered here, of our Lord who was on his shoulder the cross of her ordeal, the same cross that has become the key to our Hi, Hi Key of humanity.

the same way that we could not accede to the presence of King Hezekiah (in the context of Isaiah 22) than through his servant Eliakim, the same way, access to glorious presence of God can not be done except through Jesus Christ man through the cross that opens heaven to sinners, which releases the Grace of God on every soul who repents:

"And he said: Verily, verily, you will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of man. " John 1:51

But it is also, in the phrase " one who has the key " the Lord's will encourage the church in Philadelphia, which represents all churches that are struggling to remain faithful to Christ, his Word, rejecting all forms of compromise with the present century, all forms of associations, alliances "politicians" against nature, ecumenism disgusting, all pseudo-human methods or strategies intended to bring God to bless the church.

These faithful churches are those which, ultimately, refused to abandon the Cross, to leave the key.

Yes, the Lord is the one who always the key, it still has the authority to save and soon to judge, but for now he is the one who reminds the churches (often modest) faithful it He and he alone who fulfill all the promises He has given us in his time and according to his will!

Cross is still standing! It remains the key all the victories, all the greetings of all healing, all rescues, all the blessings.

"You were dead in trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he made alive together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;
it has canceled the written orders which we condemn and which remained against us, and he was removed by nailing to the cross;
he stripped the principalities and powers, and delivered them publicly, triumphing over them by the cross. "
Colossians 2.13-15

C. Guizard

Roshan Adding Minutes

love God and serve him with an undivided heart. (Part Three).


If such is the expectation of our God, in practice all Christians do not understand it the same way. It can be surprised by some Christian literature that does not abound in this direction at all. Thus, for the book: "the grace of God for Life," there is an existing presentation largely incomplete or confusing, what should be the normal Christian spiritual commitment.

We thought it useful to outline some points covered in this book, which is problematic. If its author, Jerry Bridges "takes us admire the peaks and the wonders of panorama of a relationship with God based on His infinite grace," it also makes assumptions *, who sometimes bought discharge of any responsibility.

Postulate # 1: "The blessing of God upon our lives do not depend on our obedience, but the fullness of Christ" (p.86). Or: "The 'motto of our corporation and our good deeds is worthless in the eyes of God." (P.18)

If it is true that none of our works can not contribute to our salvation, which is certainly due to the grace of God alone (cf. Ephesians 2:8-10 ), our work made by the assistance of the Holy Spirit have real value in the eyes of God. Some passages that teach us:

"Then everyone will receive praise of God which will be due." 1 Corinthians 4.5

"... but each will receive his own salary as his own work." 1 Corinthians 3.8

"Take care of yourselves, so as not to lose the fruits of our labor, but to receive a full reward." 2 John 1.8

In each of the letters to the seven churches of Asia, the Lord promises a reward " to him that overcomes "Even if victory is achieved" by the blood of the Lamb "(cf. Apocalypse 12.11 )

Thus affirm that God's blessing on our life does not depend our obedience is to remove a "spring" essential to our consecration. Moses had he not already seen " the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt because he had the eyes on earnings "(Hebrews 11.26 )?

... to be continued ...
The good seed / E.Ropp
* Assumption: proposal neither obvious nor demonstrable.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Game Where You Can Build Your Own Campus

love God and serve him with an undivided heart. (Second game.)

Thus, for us children of God, love our neighbor should be part of our piety, that is to say, this way of life that characterize our membership in the Family of God in everyday life. We are also stimulated by the word of our Lord "I tell you the truth, whenever you have done it unto the least of these brothers of mine (even if only to give him a glass cold water), it's me that you have made. " (Matthew 10:42, cf. Matthew 25:40)

In reality, this is how we show that we really love God. This can be practiced without brilliant action. But it is mostly - if not only - this way we show we are born from above: "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if you have love for each other. "(John 13.35)

The Lord was waiting for Peter that he shows his commitment to graze his sheep. What a lesson for trying the disciple! It was well chosen. he will write no later than: "Tend the flock of God which is among you, not by constraint but willingly, as God, not for sordid gain, but with dedication ; not as dominant on those you are due share, but being examples to the flock. "(1 Peter 5.2-3)

serve God in this love is the sharing of every child of God, even if it is not without some effort. Again, it is Peter who shows us the way: "Having purified your souls in obeying the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly with all your heart" (1 Peter 1.22) as elsewhere in Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us here that this love is grown (see . 2 Peter 1:5-8 : there is even talk of efforts to provide!), and that it learned of God (cf. 1 Thessalonians 4.9).

Lord's letter to the church of Ephesus tells us how point we must cultivate this love at the risk of having to incur severe punishment from him ( Apocalypse 2:4-5)!

... to be continued ...

Source: The Good Seed / E.Ropp

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Gums Are Thin And Sore After Extractions

love God and serve him with an undivided heart. (Part I).

"Peter was grieved because he had told him the third time: Do you love me? And he said, Lord, thou knowest all things, you know I love you. Jesus said unto him, Feed my sheep. "
John 21.17

love, what is more subjective? This feeling does not it arises unexpectedly, according to the quality of people we meet? True, but there could also be large "natural" our attention to the needs of others (empathy). Are we not created in the image of God? However, GOD IS LOVE!

Unfortunately sin has made man selfish and predisposed to think only of himself. Our society, largely through the media cultivates this tendency of fallen nature. " You're worth it! " one hears frequently. So are we not really encouraged to pay attention to the needs of our neighbor.

But "love God and neighbor" is even a commandment from him: "Love the Lord your God with all thy heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all thy mind and thy neighbor as thyself. " (Luke 10.27)

We can also say that loving God is proved by the love for his neighbor "... he who does not love his brother whom he hath seen, how Can love God whom he has not seen "(1 John 4.20) , although in this passage is the first brother in the faith that is designated.

This is also the mark of a disciple of Christ "If you have love for each other, everyone will know you are my disciples." John 13:35

This love requires a real commitment on our part. This may lead to sacrifice, and even sacrifices.

The Lord Jesus himself has already had his listeners call about this. He illustrated the problem by telling them the misfortunes that befell the man who descended from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among robbers. Left half dead beside the road, it has aroused no momentum heart or from the priest or the Levite's. While the Samaritan was moved with compassion when he saw (Luke 10.30-37) .

... to be continued ...

Source: The Good Seed / E.Ropp

passages in blue were added by us and are not part of the text of Mr. Ropp

Monday, February 7, 2011

Diaper Cream Vs Vaseline

The spring cleaning has begun!

temperature a little more lenient, and even a little sun today, the last two or three days, I went back to work.
It is through the mass at the foot of Cercidiphyllum I started cleaning.

I had left in place the leaves of Liquidambar styraciflua and Cercidiphyllum japonicum, because the snow had taken speed.

So I started by raking the leaves.
They have protected the cold deciduous perennials but at the same time, they retain moisture. So I prefer raking leaves, compost them in a discreet corner and substitute a good half-ripe compost around plants.

You'll notice I put a good dose of persistent plant (various sedges, Ophiopogon, Heuchera, saxifrage ...) so that the masses do are not too bare.

I took care in early winter to release some of these persistent perennial, so they are not overwhelmed by the dead leaves. And I've refreshed because they were still needed.

brouetter Tomorrow I'll still make my leaves and compost (I already begun).

This same mass as I showed you last October 7, entitled

" perennial shade for autumn scene "(click)

I will present it again in the spring and summer. Therefore, I am careful to show you pictures of previous years!

This massif is located property boundaries; in the background is the forest. It will still
I shorten the branches of dogwoods and I eliminate suckers Dogwood 'Winter Flame'. This one, I am very sorry not to have surrounded a rhizome barrier!
For a good net effect, the borders will be "identified" in late spring. To do this I do not use cutting-edge, but a sharp spade.
In the meantime, if time permits, I continue tomorrow!