When creating a blog, I've said that I 'had intended to present the garden month by month. So as it is, more or less attractive depending on when and no photo retouched or taken out of season (unless I am referring to a previous post).
Today I take you have a look on the side of short grass evergreen garden. Yellow, green, blue, red ... it gives a little relief to massive bare by winter. The
photographed here two days ago, so not at their best form. Then why you have these conditions? Well, because I think that with all they have endured in recent months, they are not faring too badly. And gardeners who must cope with a harsh climate, although we will see "housed in the same boat!
Carex hachijoensis "Evergold" has a very bright foliage. He likes everywhere: in dry soil or fresh. I associate it with ferns persisted. In tight clumps it forms a nice ground cover maintenance free.
Carex buchananii Carex or Bronze. I install it willingly among the leaves red because the center of the plant was blushed. It grows everywhere and sow abundantly.
Carex "Silversceptre", a bit sloppy after the snow this Winter ... I'm about to groom it to produce new shoots pale green and white variegation. It likes the freshness and spreads by stolons that were deleted with ease.
Carex morrowii "variegata" and his buddy right, a Carex escaped from the nearby forest!
Note in passing the foam which invaded the floor of the undergrowth.
Carex testacea 'Prairie Fire' finds its bright orange color on sunny days
because it needs sunlight to be colored.
In rock, the popular Stipa tenuifolia. She also sow abundantly.
Among the "blue grass" and in its apparent fragility, Helictrotrichon sempervirens resistant to - 20 ° C. I planted at the bottom of the pine forest, in full sun and very dry soil.
It is true that this season grass that does not give the best of itself. In the month of May it will resume its beautiful blue color and a pretty rewarding to us as a long flowering stems, agitated at the slightest breath of wind.
In the pines again, a cover of Festuca glauca "Elijah Blue." Again the weight of the snow has flattened a bit. I'm about to comb with a small rake that I pass in the foliage clean. Like Helictrotrichon sempervirens, they rependront their blue tint in the sun. Well-drained soil essential.
Finally here Carex 'Frosted Curls'. I keep it in the pot so that its light green foliage late fall on the edges of the container.
These small grasses are very accommodating and I confess that I can not do without! Only a few will need a little grooming in the spring. The others will re beauty alone. And all held company in summer clothing, with many plants of massive I'll introduce in the coming months.