Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Romantic Business Slogans

When looking really can find ...

Ouranos Report on Global Warming Quebec offers a very interesting point about the need to assign any price negative effects of global warming.

exposure to ultraviolet (UV).
In northern regions such as Quebec, the behavioral changes related to climate change would be the single most important future exposure to ultraviolet (UV), rather than thinning of the ozone layer (Diffey, 2004). It provides that the elongation of the hot season brings greater public exposure to ultraviolet radiation (Hill et al., 1992). Increased UV exposure generally means an increase in the incidence of sunburn, skin cancers (4% to 6% annual increase), cataracts, and diseases associated with immunosuppressive effects of UV (WHO, 2003). Diffey (2004) showed that warmer summer temperatures in our latitudes may encourage people to live more outside and that the average warming would lead to future increases in UV exposure and skin cancers of ordrede 20% from current levels. This increase is twice as large as the effect of the thinning of the ozone layer on cancers (approximately 10% increase) should be eliminated by 2050 under the Montreal Protocol.
What madness here!
Global warming has an impact on skin cancer. How?
Because it will be more beautiful than when is nice, people go outside. And if they go out longer, they will catch thus cancer ...

When looking really negative effects, there is a way of finding it.
With such associations, everything is permitted. For example, I can say with near certainty that global warming causes an increase in death by drowning.
Easy to understand: it is warmer, more people swim. So over drowning ...
Why was this left out in your study ?

When you're made to feel that the weather is a problem, as far down into a cave and stay there!

When agencies publish such simplicity as a label of "science", and this, with our money. When nobody is there to pick up these activists to mask a scientist, I wonder what kind of world do we live?



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