Saturday, June 12, 2010

Burning While Urinating When Have Period

300 cyclists naked protest in Mexico against the spill

300 cyclists naked protest in Mexico against the oil spill

About 300 cyclists naked rebounded Saturday avenue of reform, the main artery of the Mexican capital, protesting against the pollution of the Gulf of Mexico following the accident at BP's offshore platform, noted AFP.

"Enough of wars and oil spills," could be read on the chest of one of the demonstrators.

Protest eh? But is it not occurred to these people that there was not much to do against that? To protest that there is no oil spills, such as manifest for rain tomorrow ...

They expose bare simplicity of their argument (is it also good to support this point they are naked?). They act like a spoiled child and calling their little quirks ...

Or would expect this kind of reaction in a nursery or primary school. But adults are normally able to conceive that the situation is much more complex. To want to pledge here is not to have ...
What people much more proficient they are at work day and night to rectify the situation. That we live in a world of oil and that just wanting it to disappear regardless of the consequences is worthy of a child ...

We do not live in a fairy tale .. but in the real world ...
If you want the world changes, it is not putting himself naked and demanding what you want it will change. We'll have to work harder to change yourself and not make a small crisis that others do it for you according to your whims ...



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