Friday, June 18, 2010

Watch Elvis The Movie Free On Line With Kurt

More and more storms in the region of Quebec?

More and more storms in the region of Quebec

(Quebec) you still doubt the word of climatologists who promise the most violent storms in the future?
Well, it's already started, according to measurements taken not later than on the South Shore of Quebec, which show that the storms that came back once every 40 years in the first half of the twentieth century now occur once every 10 years.

Sorry but I still doubt, after reading your text ....

Presented this week by André Musy, Executive Director of Ouranos, a consortium Quebec scientific climate, these data are based on special measures the level of the river between 1900 and 2002 Lauzon.
Strong winds and atmospheric pressure can indeed move relatively large masses of water and thus influence the level of the river, he says. If one measures the river level and is subtracted tidal effect, this gives a measure, called premium, the strength of storms, with more high winds, plus the mass of water displaced is large.
To measure the strength of storms, M. Musy has analyzed the case where this "surplus" water has exceeded a meter in Lauzon, and brought all cases in two time slices: one extends from 1900 to 1956, and the other from 1957 to 2002. By comparing the two, Mr. Musy has demonstrated that large storms occur much more frequently in the Quebec City region a century ago.
In the period 1957-2002, in fact, very large surges of 2.3 meters (which is no small thing) occurred once every 10 years, but this amplitude was observed only once every 40 to 45 years between 1900 and 1956.

These "extreme events" are much more common now than a century ago.
I do not know if there is a scientific publication associated with this ... It is not the site of Uranus at least ...

But hey, take what we have and assume that the facts are real ....
First, what does the study measure? It measures very large storms. The genus of storm, as measured occurs once every 20 years.
(based on the results of Uranus)

But statistically, the measurements obtained are not very relevant.
Take for example this statement:
but the amplitude was observed only once every 40 to 45 years between 1900 and 1956.
This is said as if it were an established norm of the past. But once every 40 years between 1900 and 1956, it once ....

In the period 1957-2002, in fact, very large surges of 2.3 meters (which is no small thing) occurred once every 10 years
Here, between 1957 and 2002, four times ....

With so little data, with events so infrequent compared to the time period evaluated, any conclusion is statistically impossible.

In addition, if these people really want to prove that there are more storms, there are other methods to achieve stronger ....
For example, combine with atmospheric winds and precipitation (which really defined a storm ...) over time. Obviously such data do not go back until 1900 but it would have been possible for us to show a trend from 1950 to now (if it exists).

More storms in the region of Quebec? Not very convincing


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Romantic Business Slogans

When looking really can find ...

Ouranos Report on Global Warming Quebec offers a very interesting point about the need to assign any price negative effects of global warming.

exposure to ultraviolet (UV).
In northern regions such as Quebec, the behavioral changes related to climate change would be the single most important future exposure to ultraviolet (UV), rather than thinning of the ozone layer (Diffey, 2004). It provides that the elongation of the hot season brings greater public exposure to ultraviolet radiation (Hill et al., 1992). Increased UV exposure generally means an increase in the incidence of sunburn, skin cancers (4% to 6% annual increase), cataracts, and diseases associated with immunosuppressive effects of UV (WHO, 2003). Diffey (2004) showed that warmer summer temperatures in our latitudes may encourage people to live more outside and that the average warming would lead to future increases in UV exposure and skin cancers of ordrede 20% from current levels. This increase is twice as large as the effect of the thinning of the ozone layer on cancers (approximately 10% increase) should be eliminated by 2050 under the Montreal Protocol.
What madness here!
Global warming has an impact on skin cancer. How?
Because it will be more beautiful than when is nice, people go outside. And if they go out longer, they will catch thus cancer ...

When looking really negative effects, there is a way of finding it.
With such associations, everything is permitted. For example, I can say with near certainty that global warming causes an increase in death by drowning.
Easy to understand: it is warmer, more people swim. So over drowning ...
Why was this left out in your study ?

When you're made to feel that the weather is a problem, as far down into a cave and stay there!

When agencies publish such simplicity as a label of "science", and this, with our money. When nobody is there to pick up these activists to mask a scientist, I wonder what kind of world do we live?


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Singapore Obesity Rate 2010

Heat waves more frequent and intense in Montreal. Really?

The Ouranos group has published a study on the impacts of global warming climate and the adaptations necessary for Quebec.
The study is here: Adapting to climate change

Without commenting here this study to several places, it tells us about heat waves more frequent and intense . This is presented as a fact, an undeniable truth:
In particular, higher temperatures associated with high humidity and heat waves more frequent and intense represent significant risks for human health.
You tell me all: yes, it is warmer than before, obviously ...
Well, far from sure of that, I did a little exercise to verify this assertion.

Here are my assumptions:
- If we are in the midst of global warming. So there should be more than higher temperatures, more heat waves, we should be able to see it now and not in a hypothetical future.
- Impacts global warming can only be local. This means that whatever the overall figure for the average temperature of the planet, what matters to measure impact at a location is the temperature of the place.

I took place as the Montreal airport. Why this one? For 3 reasons:
- This measure represents well the temperature of Montreal. Although at the center of town, it is certainly a warmer (and warmer and warmer over the years because of city blocks), it is nevertheless a good indicator of temperature.
- This weather station is class A. Ie it is considered by Environment Canada as being very reliable.
- This station statistics since 1942, providing a time period interesting.

data are available on Environment Canada (in a format difficult to swallow).

The first graph would answer the question: what is more hot?
It to say he is trying to demonstrate what we hear regularly: the temperatures are more extreme.
The graph therefore shows the highest temperature of each summer from 1942 to now (for Montreal):

Can we talk about rising extreme temperatures?
Certainly not ....

Notice here the maximum of all time for Montreal (time being defined here as having as early 1942 ... obviously): 37.6 C in August 1975.

The other chart is more suggestive. What he tries to answer is: is there more heat waves? The concept of a heat wave is suggestive. But just to take an example that everyone can understand without talking about standard deviation, I set a very hot day as a day above 30C Celsius.
Why 30? Because it is the psychological threshold here in Montreal where they are considered hot. There are on average 10 days per year above 30C in Montreal, but the standard deviation (Since we talk about it) is very large (This mean for example that years ago with no days above 30 and some with more than 20 days ...)

So, in Montreal, we have more days of extreme heat?

Again, no!
And note that the summer of 1955, for those who were there is a maximum hard to beat ...

This allows us to contradict Uranus (and all other activist groups.). No, Montreal, there is no heat waves more frequent and more intense!

So all the consequences that you list in your report, based on this assumption is false and totally hypothetical.

Any computer model that you put forward to justify your claims must also explain why no increase is visible now but will be eventually. Otherwise, this model has no more credibility than the daily horoscope ...

What is most distressing in all this is to see how this pseudo-science climate is crap. Any individual is capable, in a few hours to show that what these people say is based on false premises. Yet this kind of report is used to build the future of our society.
What kind of world do you build for the future if it is not based on fact?
Utopia ?....


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Burning While Urinating When Have Period

300 cyclists naked protest in Mexico against the spill

300 cyclists naked protest in Mexico against the oil spill

About 300 cyclists naked rebounded Saturday avenue of reform, the main artery of the Mexican capital, protesting against the pollution of the Gulf of Mexico following the accident at BP's offshore platform, noted AFP.

"Enough of wars and oil spills," could be read on the chest of one of the demonstrators.

Protest eh? But is it not occurred to these people that there was not much to do against that? To protest that there is no oil spills, such as manifest for rain tomorrow ...

They expose bare simplicity of their argument (is it also good to support this point they are naked?). They act like a spoiled child and calling their little quirks ...

Or would expect this kind of reaction in a nursery or primary school. But adults are normally able to conceive that the situation is much more complex. To want to pledge here is not to have ...
What people much more proficient they are at work day and night to rectify the situation. That we live in a world of oil and that just wanting it to disappear regardless of the consequences is worthy of a child ...

We do not live in a fairy tale .. but in the real world ...
If you want the world changes, it is not putting himself naked and demanding what you want it will change. We'll have to work harder to change yourself and not make a small crisis that others do it for you according to your whims ...


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fox Racing Otterbox For Iphone

Selfishness, altruism and individualism.

We repeat continuously for a great evils of our society is that we live in an individualistic society. But the problem is that all combine both concepts in their charge and do not use the right word. The word to use is not selfishness and individualism.

let's look at what is said Wiki:
Selfishness is a trait, attitude of a person whose actions or ideas are only oriented by its own interests, without taking into account the needs of others. The term is almost always used in a pejorative.
Selfishness, which sees its interests, is distinguished from individualism, which considers the rights, interests and values of individuals (not his only) and favors their autonomy from social and political institutions.
Selfishness is often associated with a lack of empathy, a non-compliance of others, of recklessness. Selfishness is opposed to altruism.

Individualism is a political, social and moral tends to emphasize the rights, interests and value of individuals versus the group. He advocates individual autonomy against various social and political institutions (family, clan, corporation, caste ...) who perform certain rules on him. It thus opposes the requirement of the group to which the individual has duties.
But do not confuse individualism and short-sighted selfishness. For if the egoist sees its interests, the individualist considers the interests of individuals and not his alone.
example, be part of an organization is not incompatible with the principle of individualism.

So clearly, according Wiki, individualism and selfishness are not interchangeable.
According to Wiki, selfishness is the opposite of altruism.
I add: individualism is the opposite of collectivism.

What is selfishness? According to Wiki, is someone who thinks only of himself, without regard to others the consequences of his actions and values on others.
But this definition is too superficial because with it, it is possible to play a little on the words and come up with something like, is a selfish individualist who cares about those friends ...

I propose a different definition. An unselfish egoist is a missed or defrocked.
That is the main characteristic of altruism is not "generosity towards others" as some might believe, but rather to define themselves in relation to others.
What is altruism says: you're not a value in itself, it's your neighbor who is your value ... What matters is not you, it's your next ...
But no human can live without self-esteem, without answering the question: Who am I?
And the answer in such a world is: "I think that what my neighbor."
If he is the value, it is his opinion that counts, not mine. What I think of me is nothing, nothing but selfishness altruism you say .... What counts here is what think the other one ... I call that define themselves in terms of others ...

Although some are able to accept this, most people avoid the question (because the response causes a cognitive dissonance) and then find themselves unable to meet the internal need of: Who am I? .. . (This is one of the great evil of our world but this is a different matter.)

Others face this completely reject the other. Having
been conditioned to define themselves to others, but denying the conclusion of altruism they perceive as a denial of self, these people come to see the other as a victim used to be defined.

of altruism is reversed! It is the one that used to feed the "me" instead of feeding others. These people are
esteem in power, in the amount of people they control. They do not seek wealth as such, what they want is someone to be even greater with the wealth of others. By having the submission of others ...
These people are vampires of altruism. But they are also the other side of the same coin.

In a world where the primary value is to give to another, it is expected that there will be people who define themselves as "other" and want to eat it all .. .
What is the general answer to this?
"All you need is love »....
But this is a heartbreaking naivete ... It is said that the sheep Wolf: If you had "love" you do not eat me ... The wolf answered, but I love you .... on my plate ...

Turning to the individual individualistic.
It has value as the first "me". But the main difference is that it does not define "self" in terms of others but by himself.
He refuses the negation of the ego as altruism requests.
But instead of finding his esteem in the operation of the other as is selfish, he finds fulfillment in the face of his own value system. This is achieved by interacting with others in its own interest but he does not need another to do so, then there is way to respect each other.

For the individualist, while the other is just another "me" ...
The other is not the one to "devouring" to be somebody. (Selfishness)
The other is not the one to "feed" to be somebody. (Altruism)
The other can then be equal ... the other may then be worth ... (Individualism)

If you want a just society and respectful of his neighbor, he must realize that it is possible that if this neighbor is not a value used to define themselves. Only when you are somebody in their own right without it you will be able to interact with it as equals, with respect ....

Neither altruism nor selfishness are the way to such a society.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How To Ask For Money On An Invite

inflation, a factor unknown to destroy our prosperity.

I offer a text Maxime Bernier on the economy and currency.
Yes, yes, this is the same as Maxime Bernier look at all high with a little smile because the media told you he was "safe" to do ...

Imagine a world where all members have a discourse as ideology, as clear ...
A world where a politician says something other than poutine, "You know, we want to have the good of everyone, just sit down and find a solution ».... Blah ....

But not judge yourself, here's the text:
inflation, a factor unknown to destroy our prosperity

Inflation, a factor unknown to destroy our prosperity

June 8, 2010 The Economic Club, Toronto
Maxime Bernier, MP for Beauce


Monetary policies are one of the most difficult questions in economics. But also, I think, a matter of absolutely crucial to our prosperity.

As you all know, the Bank of Canada raised its key rate last week by a quarter point to 0.5%. Much speculation has been raised in recent weeks about the decision to finally raise rates after having kept a record low for over a year. And as usual, there will be plenty of speculation about the future actions of the Bank. How far will she? How quickly?

All these assumptions about the fixing of interest rates has nothing to do with capitalism and the free market, it has more to do with central planning and state control over the money supply. In a market free money, the interest rate would be determined by demand credit and the supply of savings, just like any other prices in the economy.

The state control over the currency has serious consequences that few people seem aware.

One of them is that central banks are constantly increasing the amount of money circulating in the economy. In Canada, for example, by the strictest definition of money supply, it has increased by 6-14% annually the past dozen years. That's pretty much the same situation in other countries.

This money creation out of nothing is to devalue the value of our currency, forcing up the price considerably. Prices are rising not because companies are greedy for profit, or because the wage increase, or because the price of oil rises. Ultimately, only the central bank is responsible for having created the conditions for higher prices by printing more money.

The Bank of Canada has an inflation target of 2% over the past fifteen years. This may seem small, an average inflation rate of 2% per year. But 2% depreciation years after year, it's bound to accumulate. Thus,
1990 to the present, inflation in Canada has been a total of about 45%. That means your dollar is now worth less than 70 cents when compared to that of 1990.

As recognized by the Federal Reserve chairman himself, Ben Bernanke, inflation is the equivalent of a fee. One of the most insidious tax, which most directly affects those who are least able to pay it. This tax erodes our purchasing power, our revenues and savings.

It is true that most of we get salary increases that offset the loss of purchasing power. But all those whose incomes are not growing as fast as prices are getting poorer.

Several interest groups, including governments, love the easy credit. There is a tendency inherent in the framework of monetary policy in favor of lower interest rates. But it also has consequences that we did not necessarily want.

One of them is that it encourages people to save less, because the return on savings is lower. And they are more likely to go into debt, because credit is becoming easier to obtain.

is precisely what happens in Canada, the United States and around the world for 20 years. In 1990, total debt of Canadian households as a percentage of disposable income was 90%. Today, this ratio reached 144%, the highest of all time.

into debt seems to have become a way of life. Fortunately, the public debt in Canada is at a reasonable level. But as can be seen worldwide, several countries such as Greece are now on the verge of bankruptcy because they have become too dependent on easy credit.

monetary inflation creates all sorts of distortions in markets and is also due to the cycle of artificial booms and recessions experienced by our economy.

It became very clear that this cycle is not a flaw inherent in the capitalist system, like many people think. It is rather caused by the policies of central banks, as we explained long ago economists such as Nobel laureate Friedrich Hayek.

Remember, we had the dotcom bubble in the late 1990s. When this bubble burst, Greenspan flooded the markets of liquidity. Between 2001 and 2004, the Federal Reserve has cut interest rates to 1%

If you factor in inflation, real interest rates were actually negative. It is like subsidizing people to encourage them to go into debt. But we all know: to live on credit cards, it can not last forever!

We then had another bubble, which was amplified with the help of the U.S. government. This has prompted banks to provide mortgages at risk and has encouraged its citizens to buy houses they could not really afford.

You know the rest of the story. These loans were converted into securities and resold on the market around the world. Financial institutions worldwide that held these securities were left struggling when owners become unable to pay their mortgages and house prices began to fall.

In 2007, this housing bubble has also started to deflate. And since then, central banks have again lowered interest rates almost to 0%. That means that once again, the real interest rates are negative, since prices are rising faster than that. Central banks have flooded money markets and have allowed governments to dramatically into debt to avoid a recession.

It is true that economic growth seems to be back. But how can it be maintained permanently? How governments and households they repay all that debt, if not by cutting in their spending? Some countries they decide to monetize their debt and thus generate high inflation? Have we created new bubbles in other sectors that will lead to another global recession when they explode? And if that happens, what kind of stimulus can we take if we are drowning in debt?

Despite these negative effects of inflation, most economists and commentators seem to believe that a little inflation is good. And they say that deflation is to say lower prices would be a disaster for the economy. But this is false.

start with common sense and what we can observe in our daily lives. Is that you, as consumers prefer to buy goods that are cheaper or more expensive? I think we all know the answer to this question!

We are all consumers, and we all benefit when prices fall. If we can pay less for property, that means we have surplus money to buy other goods.

Economic activity does not stop because of it. It simply means we can buy more things with the same amount of dollars. And greater purchasing power allows us all to enjoy a higher standard of living.

In reality, there is nothing mysterious about the impact of lower prices. Think computers.

Fifteen years ago, they were big, not very effective, contained little gadgets and much more expensive than today. Since then, prices in the computer industry have not stopped falling every year.

Do people have stopped buying computers or have waited years before buying a new one to enjoy even lower prices? Absolutely not. On the contrary, the more prices fall, and it sells computers.

Imagine a situation where central banks no longer handle the money. Instead of increasing continuously from 6 to 14% per year, as was the case in recent years in Canada, the amount of money in the economy remains solid.

Each year, however, it becomes a little more productive. We create new goods and services. You can find new ways to produce them more efficiently. Technology improves. And if there is a growing population, there are more people working.

So there are more and more goods and services available in the economy, but the same amount of money to buy them. Obviously, prices will have to adjust down. If the economy grows, say, 3% per year, while money supply increased by 0%, there will necessarily be a deflation of prices.

Note that in this situation, companies can still make a profit because their costs also decrease.

This is not just theory. This is what happened repeatedly in the 19th century, an era of rapid economic development. When there was no central bank and the currency was calculated as the amount of gold or silver metallic.

Deflation is not a threat to our prosperity. In a context of stable money supply, rather it is the result of our prosperity!

prosperity, it has nothing to do with how much money we have, but rather with the amount of goods obtainable. And if we can buy more goods with the same amount of money because prices are falling, it is more prosperous.

is why the fear of seeing prices fall is unfounded. And central bank intervention to prevent a drop in prices could create more harm than good to the economy.

Given all this, what should we do? I think the next few years, we have to have a real debate on the return to the gold standard.

But here there, there are other more immediate measures to be discussed, such as the inflation target of the Bank of Canada. The agreement on the inflation target between the Bank and the Minister of Finance is fixed for five years and must be renewed next year, in 2011. The Bank is exploring various alternatives to the current target of 2%.

I was very pleased that the Bank has already rejected a suggestion in a report by the International Monetary Fund last winter to increase the target to 4%. The logic of the IMF is entirely based on the idea that central banks should have more flexibility when trying to manipulate interest rates and the amount of money in the economy. According to this view, if at the beginning of a crisis of inflation and borrowing costs are higher, this will allow central banks to further reduce interest rates aggressively and leave them at a low level longer if necessary to encourage consumption.

It's a bit like trying to cure a drug addict by giving them injections of drugs stronger. The problem is precisely that there is already too much inflation and too much manipulation of the currency by central banks. The solution is to have less, not more.

Another proposed solution is to focus on achieving a certain level of prices over a longer period rather than inflation each year. That would mean that if for example a year the inflation rate is 1%, the Bank would try next year to raise prices by 3% instead of simply returning to 2%. It would seek to maintain an average rate of inflation over time and compensate the deviations of the past by deviations in the opposite direction.

Let me rephrase it any differently from my own perspective. The inflation rate was only 1% last year. We should have depreciated the currency by 2% to be on track to reach the price level target. So this year, creating even more money out of nothing so that the dollar lost 3% of its value. This will compensate for the lack of depreciation last year.

Sounds absurd? I also think it is.

If we need to set an inflation target, I think the most appropriate and more realistic at this stage is to fix it at 0%. Indeed it would reduce the ability of the Bank of Canada to artificially stimulate the economy. He could no longer be any negative real interest rates as we have now, since the official rate of the Bank can not go below zero. But as I explained, the currency manipulation are part of the problem not the solution.

To keep inflation at 0%, the Bank should conduct monetary policy much more cautious and firm. This would actually preserve of our buying power. This would prevent cycles of booms and recessions that we have recently crossed. This would avoid the distortion of price inflation throughout the economy generates. And it would facilitate financial planning for individuals and businesses, while increasing the efficiency of our economy.

Last August, the Governor of the Bank of Canada, Mark Carney, said: "The most direct contribution that monetary policy can make to good economic performance is to give our citizens and citizens' confidence that their money will retain its purchasing power. "

An inflation target of 0% would reach exactly that goal, in addition to stating clearly that inflation in itself is something bad. There may be some immediate benefits to depreciate our currency but it always brings suffering in the longer term.

Such a change would be a major step in the right direction.

I'm probably a dreamer, but I think that monetary issues should be a hot topic! The current revision of the inflation target of the Bank of Canada is an excellent time to have this kind of debate. I hope more Canadians address the effects of the inflation target on our purchasing power, our standard of living and, therefore, on our lives in general.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ribbons For Throat Cancer

Instead, eat farmed fish as possible ...

Red List your plate
As Greenpeace has said yesterday in its presentation to the press, these are not luxury items, style caviar or bluefin tuna, unaffordable, or when unusual products (which eats often the shark for dinner?) that are most difficult to remove from the daily diet of the average consumer for non-environmental rectitude.

We already do not eat or very little.
The fact that these endangered species is just yet another reason to avoid them.
No, that is difficult is the rest of the red list of seafood that we should eat.
These are all fish and seafood we eat every day, which are everywhere in our menus. And problematic because they are overfished, ill-bred, ill-harvested ...

Take the Atlantic salmon, for example. Smoked, grilled, sushi, it is ubiquitous in the restaurant and supermarket. Well! Do you know that in most cases it comes from factory farms where they are fed coastal dye pink and bone meal before the heinous contaminate the ocean with its parasites? When I read the description of these farms in the book Our nourishing sea of journalist Taras Grescoe, I had cut the appetite.

If you want to eat salmon, choose wild - the Pacific Coast or Alaska - or biological , or else ultimately, one that comes from farms closed. However, be prepared to pay. The salmon is usually the cheap over-industrialization, specifically the one to avoid.
One would expect that these are green for fish farming in order to protect wild stocks but this is not the case.

However, livestock is the future for fish consumption. This is the only method that will ensure fish for all. This is the only method to ensure the survival of wild fish. This fish
need to eat so much by these nutritionists, Greenpeace and Co. do not want you to have.

And to achieve this, they denigrate aquaculture as they know so well: with cliches, half-truths and generalizations inappropriate.

Take the Atlantic salmon. Do you know that in most cases it comes from factory farms where they are fed coastal dye pink and bone meal before the heinous contaminating the ocean with its parasites?
sentence Lortie, but completely biased.
First, these farmed fish are not fed pink dye (which does not really fed elsewhere ...) and the heinous animal meal as you say are just meat and oil Fish.

- There They Are Fed a mixture of fishmeal, fish oil, grains, minerals and vitamins Until THEY reach market size.
- a balanced diet containing oils derived from plants Such as soybean and fish "as well as fish meal and natural fillers.
This way of describing the food of these fish is typical of these organisms ecologists.
"horrifying animal meal" ...

And what is that pink dye that horrifies you, Lortie, know that it is carotene. Yes, yes, the same carotene if you find good health in your food! Why do we give the carotene in these animals? First, it is also good for fish health, but above all to acquire the color of pink flesh. In nature, salmon gets carotene through the consumption of krill and crustaceans. In livestock, he puts in his food as a supplement.
Is it really so horrible is that?

Again, talk about feeding fish of pink dye, thus suggesting that this is a sham, is typical of those people who manipulate public opinion.

Take these large frozen shrimp sold in supermarkets at ridiculous price. Alert.
These are derived from shellfish farms in Asia that are problematic in several respects. Again, the book Grescoe we portrays petrifying.

First, in some countries, these intensive farms are now completely disrupt traditional fisheries upon which millions people. Then, to produce edible food, these farms have to resort to all kinds of disinfectants environmental pollutants.
Do not you think, moreover, that sometimes those big shrimp taste like chlorine?
derisory price, alert, Asian livestock farms, intensive ... again we begin to see the next picture ...

But look beyond the adjective used by Lortie, what is the main reason against shrimp farming? This farming threatens traditional fishing! But realize that
asking that livestock is more, on behalf of traditional fishing, is what you ask these people to freeze in time, in their condition. With a beautiful label of "compassion", you want to deny them the right to advance.
Whether you like it or not, the world is constantly in motion, it must continually adapt to its environment ... And desire that these people remain frozen in their condition is certainly not want their good medium and long term ...

You talk of disinfectants for environmental pollutants. Although I am not aware of this culture, there is little question about the relevance of this assertion.
Especially when you insinuate these shrimp is a taste of chlorine to support your point.
(Indeed, on this point, maybe the thaw in running tap water is not such a good idea than that. No?)

Finally, as c is also the case with salmon, shrimp are fed animal protein found at sea, which are heavier than the meat produced. To produce 1kg of shrimp, you have 2 kg of animal food.
Imagine if, to produce a beef, we had to kill two pigs ...

Does that make sense?
You make me laugh with this kind of calculation ...
By the way, you know how many pigs it takes to raise a child to maturity? Does that make sense?

This argument is so crappy ... These people will say it's OK to eat shrimp in the wild but not those of livestock. But also in nature, the shrimp must eat twice his weight in food ... What is the difference?
None. Apart from the fact that these people do not just want you to eat shrimp and this is why they forge half-truths such as these.

That said, is that the culture of fish does not cause problems? Yes, there are some pollution problems due to the concentration of a species in a confined space. But is this a reason to abandon it? No!
is through raising fish as fish become cheap and in sufficient quantity.
is through fish farming natural fish stocks are protected.

But again, the ecologists show us they have lost all human value and serve absolutely no purpose. If these people had a bit of trial, they would realize that culture is the future and would put their efforts to ensure that this industry is improving.
They would work to give us an accurate picture on the impact of this culture instead of our fears simplistic rant in the non-lawyer to harm humanity.

Meanwhile, on behalf of fish stocks in the world, eat farmed fish is the best option. This industry is not yet optimal in terms of environmental impact but it is certain that these people are working strongly.
