Friday, January 21, 2011

How Does Acute Hiv Rash Feels

tits, a charming trio ... The nuthatch

We are again in the gray, it snowed yesterday and today it freezes ... The cleanup began two days ago waiting. There are some flowers - hellebores or Viburnum bodnantense-to brighten the green evergreens. But little balls of colorful feathers also animate the garden. Here are some come to eat as they do every morning.

passerine common in our environment but we do not tire of observing.
buffet, stocked with plenty of sunflower seeds and shelled nuts, is very busy.

The great tit Parus major or . The one we all know and that we find really everywhere. And if this bird is common, its plumage is not. I think even the most delicate nuances than the blue tit.

The black line shows the belly is larger in males (right) than the female.

The head is blue-black, the cheeks are white. The back is green, the wings and tail blue-gray.
I find that a small martial air to it that seems to have his helmet pulled down over his eyes!

I always very difficult to "grab" the blue tits. They are few and most do not take up. Time to adjust my camera, and they are gone!
The blue tit or Cyanistes caeruleus . The cap, wings, tail and even the legs are blue. A dark blue line crosses the bald, beak to the nape. The male is more colorful than the female (above and below-cons).

The blue tits are the fewest in the garden. But it seems that their population has been declining for four decades. We note here the softer color of the female.
tit nun, smaller than the other two is very strong too. It requires patience for the "capture".

The Marsh Tit Poecile palustris or . with his little black cap on his white head. His body is a soft beige gradient.
It inhabits deciduous forests and not that frequent feeders near wooded areas, as is the case in the pines.
Curiously, this year the nuns outnumber the garden that great tits.

The three species of chickadees can coexist in the same forest. But in order to avoid competition, they foraged on different floors: the coal in the lower part of trees, the nun in the middle branch and the blue tit in the treetop and branch tips.
I have not had the opportunity to see these titmice days. It is nevertheless present as she attends the major softwood property.


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