Wednesday, January 12, 2011

First Lesbien Experience For My Wife

Public Sector: a wage freeze is hurting the economy?

As Pierre Simard said so in his paper published today in the Journal de Montreal:
's it, the pre budget has begun. One where the unions professional corporations and other interest groups argue the wealth of others. The period of wolves!
Here is a text for which this statement applies perfectly. This is published by a so called economist serving the Canadian Union of Public Employees:
An article in The New York Times recently published reported that some U.S. states wanted to consolidate their public finances by freezing the wages of public sector workers and limiting the power of unions. For example, the Governor State of New York would freeze the salaries of state employees, which would save 200 to $ 400 million. Other more radical reforms could proceed as in Ohio, where the governor wants to ban the use of strikes by public school teachers.
reforms desired by the U.S. leaders are quite surprising, because the main cause of the deterioration of public finances is elsewhere. We should instead look towards the severe financial crisis that has led to a major economic crisis when many workers lost their jobs.
So, first finding of this economist, look elsewhere!
Nobody said that the economic crisis is caused by the civil servants' salaries, that these states want is simply to cut spending. Clearly, this economist would draw attention away from skirting the topic of spending cuts.

Recall that GDP growth is based inter alia on household consumption. Diminish the power of unions to reduce government spending is a way supported by some economic theories now being challenged. It is clear that consumption will decline if real wages are reduced. It is therefore surprising that some U.S. governors want lower wages for workers, which could affect economic growth.
It is always surprising to hear an economist say such things. Note that we said that growth is " among other" on consumption ... half-lie, half truth?
The PID is not a measure of consumption is a measure of production. What we want to believe the economist with his new theories is that the more one is rich, the more one consumes, the higher the GDP and therefore believes it is more rich. But these theories are upside down: to get rich, he must first produce and not consume!
We need only realize that importation is a consumer who does not participate in the calculation of GDP since the property has not been produced in the country to see one flaw in this reasoning.

In a speech to the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA), the economist Paul Krugman noted that the declining rate of unionization in the United States had helped to undermine the American middle class.
He said that growing inequality is due largely to the erosion of workers' rights to choose a union and bargain. This helps to accentuate the differences in wealth and night inevitably to economic growth. In other words, weaken the negotiating role of trade unions is to make the redistribution of wealth even less fair.
Always so funny what Krugman ... According to him, taking money from citizens to give state employees undermines economic growth and pay the least equitable redistribution of wealth ...
First, no offense to Krugman, the state employees do not create wealth. Their salary is drawn from other citizens who they can no longer enjoy. This is a transfer of money and not economic growth.

And in terms of redistribution of wealth, this is a total insult. The majority of officials are in the middle class. And the majority of taxes are paid by the citizens of the middle class. That is the concept of wealth redistribution: taking from some to give it to a subset of privileged?

There is no correlation between unionization rates and government deficit, let alone causation. For example, some countries in the world have unionization rates above 50% while having reasonable ratios of debt to GDP.
Hey, hey ... Rather dishonest as a laborer here ... Who knows, maybe is there no correlation, there may be there one that is not the issue. The point is that there is some correlation between the wages of public employees and expenditures of the state ...
End of story ...



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