Monday, January 31, 2011

Ohio Pick 3 Most Popular Number

Those plants that are resistant to cold ...

mid-November, the snow has interrupted my work in cleaning the pine forest. Last week, enjoying the blue skies and sunshine timid, I tried a small exit to the garden. Warmly dressed, it goes without saying!
Still, the cold made me go back well before nightfall as my feet were frozen! So be sensible and wait. Anyway, the sky is gray and the ground thaws more.

The soil of the pine forest is usually covered with wild thyme, which at the moment, hiding under the leaves of maple and beech. The fetid hellebores that grow wild state, are blackened by frost. And foliage of the bulbs just emerging from the carpet of dry leaves.
I really started raking in piles but definitely it's too cold. Too bad if this corner is a bit neglected. It will arrange with the sunny days.

Nevertheless, some plants are very tough ... frost, so to speak.

Helychrysum and Salvia officinalis purpurescens
plant purple sage and curry: this duo, planted in the bottom of the pine forest in sheltered situation, is remained flawless since the beginning of winter. On the right you can see Lonicera nitida and Sedum sediforme, too indifferent to the weather. It must be said that this part of the garden is south facing and the soil is naturally well drained.

Osmanthus heterophyllus (=à feuilles étroites) est planté dans l'endroit le plus froid du jardin, près du bois ! Et il tient bon. par contre, il est en situation semi-ombragée et ne fleurit pas...
L'an dernier, après le passage à - 20° C, il a terminé l'hiver un peu pâlichon mais s'est vite remis. L'osmanthe se taille sans problème. Ici il pousse librement.
Osmanthus heterophyllus "Tricolor"
I've planted a second last fall. Despite his young age, too resilient. It is surrounded by Carex hachijoensis Evergold and Asplenium scolopendrium.
These centipedes grow naturally in this part of the garden. They also occur on this side of the hill, in the communal forest.

Carex Epimedium and give some solid presence in the busy summer season by hostas.

Corydalis flexuosa

And the foliage of Corydalis flexuosa covered with droplets icy. This very tender foliage is resistant to extreme cold. Pretty little blue flowers tubulated appear in late spring. The year of planting, poorly informed on this plant, I am worried of losing the foliage after bloom! In Indeed, it is quite normal because the foliage reappears in the fall. The Corydalis
likes part shade. There is a
Corydalis 'Purple Leaf', then purple leaf. I'll try to find it for next spring.

In my next posts, I will present the saxifrage ferns and evergreen garden.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Diseases Found In Scandinavian People

Worship canceled this Sunday, January 30, 2011.

Because of important work to be done in our church, there will be no meeting this Sunday, January 30, 2011. We thank the brothers who set aside this Saturday and Sunday to bring to completion the work of painting and tiling.

We thank the members of our assembly for their understanding and have also participated in large numbers to worship replacement on Thursday 27 January.

C. Guizard

Sunday, January 23, 2011

How Long Does Dap 100% Silicone Take To Dry

A robin greedy and stubborn ...

I still can not put a foot in the garden, everything is still frozen! While waiting for better days, I will complete the section bird! Because this morning, the ride of a robin greedy and particularly stubborn, I had fun. Here's how:
In the branches of apple blossoms, there are always a few threads that I fill with nuts for the followers of aerobatics. And I distribute food to the ground for birds that do not play acrobats.

As you know, the robin is one of these: it is a lout who pecking the ground. And nuthatches this morning, arrived before him, have won the bet! But from the ground, I spotted a robin in the tree nets. How you it has identified its contents? Mystery ...

Still, he has made up his mind to go and peck in the air and poof! he ran a branch of the apple. He stayed there for a while without moving, and as you note, plumage is smooth. He wondered maybe how to reach the treats coveted ... Yes, how? ...

Well, do as the boys and cling to the cracks ... Easier said than done ... Following several unsuccessful attempts to cling to the net, his feathers are a bit messy !

It s admit defeat and not try new tests, without success. It always the same red bra but after all these efforts, he no longer looks the same: here feathers in battle, all tousled ! "Wow, what that it happens ?"...

But beneath its placid, our little friend is stubborn. He renounced cling the cracks and changed his strategy: he came as close the target and landed on a twig nearby. Here, there is ... almost!

He leans over, looks ... and managed to peck at the nuts who have been trying for some time. But definitely, acrobatics is not in his nature. And soon he let go!

And here quickly back down, back to food What scorned his fellows. And it did not seem to carry it off!

Go, tomorrow morning I have the walnuts on the ground, just for him. Of course, he must come a little earlier and s it has competition I already know that its rivals will not come to disturb him because under his timid, it is a belligerent who is unfazed, even by the nuthatch!

Friday, January 21, 2011

How Does Acute Hiv Rash Feels

tits, a charming trio ... The nuthatch

We are again in the gray, it snowed yesterday and today it freezes ... The cleanup began two days ago waiting. There are some flowers - hellebores or Viburnum bodnantense-to brighten the green evergreens. But little balls of colorful feathers also animate the garden. Here are some come to eat as they do every morning.

passerine common in our environment but we do not tire of observing.
buffet, stocked with plenty of sunflower seeds and shelled nuts, is very busy.

The great tit Parus major or . The one we all know and that we find really everywhere. And if this bird is common, its plumage is not. I think even the most delicate nuances than the blue tit.

The black line shows the belly is larger in males (right) than the female.

The head is blue-black, the cheeks are white. The back is green, the wings and tail blue-gray.
I find that a small martial air to it that seems to have his helmet pulled down over his eyes!

I always very difficult to "grab" the blue tits. They are few and most do not take up. Time to adjust my camera, and they are gone!
The blue tit or Cyanistes caeruleus . The cap, wings, tail and even the legs are blue. A dark blue line crosses the bald, beak to the nape. The male is more colorful than the female (above and below-cons).

The blue tits are the fewest in the garden. But it seems that their population has been declining for four decades. We note here the softer color of the female.
tit nun, smaller than the other two is very strong too. It requires patience for the "capture".

The Marsh Tit Poecile palustris or . with his little black cap on his white head. His body is a soft beige gradient.
It inhabits deciduous forests and not that frequent feeders near wooded areas, as is the case in the pines.
Curiously, this year the nuns outnumber the garden that great tits.

The three species of chickadees can coexist in the same forest. But in order to avoid competition, they foraged on different floors: the coal in the lower part of trees, the nun in the middle branch and the blue tit in the treetop and branch tips.
I have not had the opportunity to see these titmice days. It is nevertheless present as she attends the major softwood property.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Australian Wildlife Rescue Game

Sanctification. (Last part).

Finally faith

Successful sanctification is also linked to the faith in these words: My righteous shall live by faith . It allows us to remain committed to God and the Lord Jesus Christ, to be strengthened in the Word of God and be open to the work of the Holy Spirit.

"But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God was made unto us wisdom, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, that, as it is written, He that glories glory in the Lord. " 1 Corinthians 1:30

The above passage tells us that Christ has done for us ... sanctification. Yet the apostle Paul makes the evidence that his life depends on Christ himself.

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live, no longer I who live but Christ lives in me I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself himself for me. "Galatians 2:20

For the apostle Paul, as for us and for all those who believe in Christ is the reality.

We always come back and all our personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, in him and from him we receive all things, and therefore our sanctification.


Sanctification is an action every day. The Scriptures speak of sanctification as a work in progress, completed or near completion.

"Having therefore these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God." 2 Corinthians 7:1

We must not confuse being justified, forgiven, cleansed, born again, anointed, set apart, etc.. And to be holy in the sense that sin is completely eradicated from our nature. Being born again does not mean that we are not carnal, but we received a new life that will grow to reach the measure of the fullness of Christ. Ephesians 4.13

is a work of each day.

"We therefore also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses , reject everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, with eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider, in fact anyone who has supported himself against such opposition from sinners, that ye be not weary, discouraged soul. You have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. " Hebrews 12:1


us understand our position in Christ.

retain First this fundamental truth: "We are justified freely by means of the redemption that is in Jesus Christ and by faith that bare access to this grace." Romans 3.23-26

"For by grace are ye saved, through faith. And it does not come from you, it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, order us to do. " Ephesians 2.8

Then consider that the grace that God has given us in Jesus Christ teaches us the holiness.

"For the grace of God that brings salvation to all men hath appeared.
It teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts and to live in this present age of wisdom, justice and piety, while waiting for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ was gave himself for us to redeem us from all iniquity, and be a people belonging to him, purified him and zealous for good works. " Titus 2:11-14

(Source: Pasteurweb)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

First Lesbien Experience For My Wife

Public Sector: a wage freeze is hurting the economy?

As Pierre Simard said so in his paper published today in the Journal de Montreal:
's it, the pre budget has begun. One where the unions professional corporations and other interest groups argue the wealth of others. The period of wolves!
Here is a text for which this statement applies perfectly. This is published by a so called economist serving the Canadian Union of Public Employees:
An article in The New York Times recently published reported that some U.S. states wanted to consolidate their public finances by freezing the wages of public sector workers and limiting the power of unions. For example, the Governor State of New York would freeze the salaries of state employees, which would save 200 to $ 400 million. Other more radical reforms could proceed as in Ohio, where the governor wants to ban the use of strikes by public school teachers.
reforms desired by the U.S. leaders are quite surprising, because the main cause of the deterioration of public finances is elsewhere. We should instead look towards the severe financial crisis that has led to a major economic crisis when many workers lost their jobs.
So, first finding of this economist, look elsewhere!
Nobody said that the economic crisis is caused by the civil servants' salaries, that these states want is simply to cut spending. Clearly, this economist would draw attention away from skirting the topic of spending cuts.

Recall that GDP growth is based inter alia on household consumption. Diminish the power of unions to reduce government spending is a way supported by some economic theories now being challenged. It is clear that consumption will decline if real wages are reduced. It is therefore surprising that some U.S. governors want lower wages for workers, which could affect economic growth.
It is always surprising to hear an economist say such things. Note that we said that growth is " among other" on consumption ... half-lie, half truth?
The PID is not a measure of consumption is a measure of production. What we want to believe the economist with his new theories is that the more one is rich, the more one consumes, the higher the GDP and therefore believes it is more rich. But these theories are upside down: to get rich, he must first produce and not consume!
We need only realize that importation is a consumer who does not participate in the calculation of GDP since the property has not been produced in the country to see one flaw in this reasoning.

In a speech to the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA), the economist Paul Krugman noted that the declining rate of unionization in the United States had helped to undermine the American middle class.
He said that growing inequality is due largely to the erosion of workers' rights to choose a union and bargain. This helps to accentuate the differences in wealth and night inevitably to economic growth. In other words, weaken the negotiating role of trade unions is to make the redistribution of wealth even less fair.
Always so funny what Krugman ... According to him, taking money from citizens to give state employees undermines economic growth and pay the least equitable redistribution of wealth ...
First, no offense to Krugman, the state employees do not create wealth. Their salary is drawn from other citizens who they can no longer enjoy. This is a transfer of money and not economic growth.

And in terms of redistribution of wealth, this is a total insult. The majority of officials are in the middle class. And the majority of taxes are paid by the citizens of the middle class. That is the concept of wealth redistribution: taking from some to give it to a subset of privileged?

There is no correlation between unionization rates and government deficit, let alone causation. For example, some countries in the world have unionization rates above 50% while having reasonable ratios of debt to GDP.
Hey, hey ... Rather dishonest as a laborer here ... Who knows, maybe is there no correlation, there may be there one that is not the issue. The point is that there is some correlation between the wages of public employees and expenditures of the state ...
End of story ...
