Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Can I Make Russian Morrowind To English

My government makes me feel generous

AHRC: Minister Bolduc announces the start of free
Minister of Health officially launched this morning an ambitious program of free AHR in Quebec. It will be a first of its kind in North America.

This year the government expects to reimburse 3000 cycles of in vitro fertilization (IVF) for a total of $ 25 million. But in 2014, 7000 cycles will be reimbursed for a total bill of $ 63 million.
"For sure that demand will grow over the coming months. Many infertile couples did not use the lack of fertilization. They can now do it, "said Bolduc.
What a great program, how generously, how people that Quebec Progressive ...
The day was filled with comments and praise in the media.

But there are two important points that are totally ignored by everyone might say.
The first is that this is not the government who pays it, it is the people of Quebec.
I am happy for those people who will have free access to this service, but one wonders by what moral principle is it me (and you) have to pay?

Ultimately, I am ready to bow to the majority (not much choice ...) if it was this choice but when a government that want to play generous with my money rather it is immoral.
And talking about the morality of our time. According to a majority of Quebeckers, it is moral to take money from some to give to those who want to have children ...
And it is immoral to demand that those who want to have children via this method bear the costs.
Where does this kind of moral way? Should we explain what is the moral and social justice in this ....
Tomorrow it will pay for the costs of foreign adoptions. And that will be after tomorrow?

And I will not comment on the argument that is regularly used is "the ability to pay the taxpayer." This argument demonstrates how we live in an immoral system.
The taxpayer is viewed here as a lemon, a sponge should be left to inflate from time to time before the repression ...
In this moral code, the recipient is entitled to compassion, the principles of justice.
The taxpayer, himself, is entitled to a break from time to time ....
The beneficiary has the right to free fertilization, the taxpayer himself must pay for that right at the expense of his needs to him. That is social justice?

The second point is that the Quebec government simply does not afford us this gift. We have no money. The health system swallows any money he launches and bursts always hunger. And it dares to add a charge not really negligible?
What folly!

And it is important not believe the figures put forward by the Minister. By as much experience thinking about it two seconds.
"treatment costs between $ 6000 and $ 15 000 .
This year the government expects to reimburse 3000 cycles of in vitro fertilization (IVF) for a total of $ 25 million.
Calculate fertilizations 3000 at a cost of $ 6000 to $ 15 000. That is between $ 18M and $ 45M.
Do you really think the government will come to the floor of this estimate? Do you think that private companies will not benefit from the fact that competition is more and increase their rates?

Amireault According to Me, save Quebec with his program because "what the state will invest one hand, it will save him from the other by reducing multiple pregnancies. Minister Bolduc also ensures that the program pay for itself, although it acknowledges that more nurses and staff will be hired to meet demand.
Here we swam in delirium ... To think that this service is self-financing is a joke ...
The argument here is that because there are fewer multiple pregnancies, the cost will cancel.
Mr. Bolduc told us anything and he also admits:
A single embryo at a time will be implanted in most patients to avoid multiple pregnancies. "What better supervision will be reduced by 30% to 5% multiple pregnancies due to assisted reproduction," said Minister Bolduc recognizes, however, does not have conducted detailed studies on this expected fall.
But it is certain that this decrease will save enough to finance the whole program .... It's wishful thinking that ...

And this magical thinking leaves out one very important point. Why do you think that more clinical implant an embryo? Without knowing the subject, it is obvious that this is because the success rate is not 100%. And even that is far below that figure.
n'implantant In one embryo, the failure rate is then necessarily increase.
But this is worse eh? Because it is not the paying customer, so it has just come back another time.

A $ 10,000 + operation, are you really sure that something is going to save Mr. Bolduc?
Not me.


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