Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Books That Will Have Immense Value In The Future

Census: what's the problem?

Census: Quebec loser

Victor Piché
Author is an honorary professor of demography at the University of Montreal.

The Canadian government has decided that the upcoming 2011 census will not count for long form. It should be noted that for 35 years, the census collects information through two questionnaires, a short that features eight basic questions (eg, age, sex, etc..) Long and includes a range of issues on socioeconomic characteristics of individuals and households. This decision has already been criticized by several people and organizations. Without going into all the reasons that make such a decision is unacceptable, let me emphasize two key aspects.
We shocked a lot of this decision the federal government.
But what will that change?
... the government announces that the long form will be replaced parl'Enquête national household to which participation is voluntary. The questionnaire of this survey will be sent four weeks after the census to one third of the Canadian population and will include among other issues on ethnicity, income and education.
So we had a mandatory questionnaire sent to one fifth of the population and now we have a similar questionnaire, voluntary, sent to 1 / 3 of the population.

Certainly some will choose not to respond. And it's great because now the government will respect this choice.
Is the response rate will be less than one fifth of the population? Who knows?
But it is certain to hear you sing how the questionnaire is important, it is almost a hello for Quebec, etc., etc., well, the best solution is not she convince the population of the real importance of it instead of trying again taking responsibility away from people and force them to act like you want?

And again, trust the statistics that are capable of giving such a good picture of the situation with even 1/10th of the population. The comments I heard from yesterday leave all to imply that the data were an accurate reflection of the situation, what is wrong.

While several European countries are turning to Canada to take example from this rich historical experience, that the government decides to put in the trash.
What? In Europe also they do not know what a statistic ?

. .. especially for Quebec, this decision will have serious negative consequences. Indeed, for over 150 years, the census data allow Quebec to follow the evolution of language groups and to regularly review the status of French. For Quebec, it is a matter of survival.
OK, so why not take advantage of the situation? Tell all Francophone how important it is to answer the questionnaire. Thus they can skew the turnout based on their language?
PS: They will skew the turnout but they do not kiss a good statistician ....

In the absence of ethnic data and detailed language, anyone can say anything! How will we know in the future if the language policies are effective? It opened the way for the worst demagoguery?!
not worry Sir!
And speaking of saying anything .....

Some argue that French is endangered in Quebec, other the contrary, that language policies are no longer justifiable. While the language debates have always been vocal and passionate in Quebec, but they remained in statistical limits guaranteeing a certain social peace, thanks precisely to the census data.
:) As if we had not heard both sides of the statistic on the English language. And what with the mandatory census. But you say that it will be worse, much worse than you question the social peace?

the low ... response rates associated with voluntary participation will pose real problems of representativeness of the data. In addition, there will be a systematic under-representation of certain vulnerable groups, including among other indigenous people, single mothers, immigrants, poor people, visible minorities.
Ha! vulnerable groups such famous ... have if he had not needed to create them!
Do you really think the decision of single mothers or visible minority is affected to the extent that they will not understand what a census?

Quebec is the biggest loser in this political decision. Each time a company restricts the information necessary for political and social debates, democracy suffers. Minority groups in particular, including Quebec, are losing an essential tool to their demands.
Seen this way, well I think I will not answer the questionnaire if I am one of the "elected »....

Seek democracy to justify forcing people to give private information against their will is akin much to the gang-rule (the fittest) that free political system that you put forward.
The company is not an end in itself and if people prefer not to participate in this survey, we must accept and deal with it.

With such arguments, it is easy to get to the next conclusion would be to force all citizens to vote in elections for not that they are underrepresented in the name of democracy and their name ...


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lia Sophia Party Invitation

The Tea Party and racism ...

Another fine example of how to avoid debate Opinion:
A resolution against the "racism" Tea Party?
NAACP considered resolved decrying racist elements in tea-party movement

Meeting in Kansas City during its annual convention, the NAACP, the largest U.S. association of defense civil rights, is expected to vote today on a résolutioncondamnant the "racist elements" of the Tea Party, the protest movement anti-Washington. The resolution specifically criticized activists Tea Party waving posters denigrating "the people of color in general and Obama in particular "and to insult or threaten black elected Congress.

The Tea Party scare in the United States. Watch how the claims of this movement are never described and discussed.
Here's what the movement claims:
1 - Identify constitutionality of Every New law: Require EACH Bill to Identify Specific provisions The Constitution Of The Congress That Gives The Power to Do What The Bill Does (82.03%).
2- Reject emissions trading: Stop the "cap and trade" administrative approach used to control pollution by providing economic incentives for achieving reductions in the emissions of pollutants. (72.20%).
3- Demand a balanced federal budget: Begin the Constitutional amendment process to require a balanced budget with a two-thirds majority needed for any tax modification. (69.69%)
4- Simplify the tax system: Adopt a simple and fair single-rate tax system by scrapping the internal revenue code and replacing it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words -- the length of the original Constitution.(64.9%).
5- Audit federal government agencies for constitutionality: Create a Blue Ribbon taskforce that engages in an audit of federal agencies and programs, assessing their Constitutionality, and identifying duplication, waste, ineffectiveness, and agencies and programs better left for the states or local authorities. (63.37%)
6- Limit annual growth in federal spending: Impose a statutory cap limiting the annual growth in total federal spending to the sum of the inflation rate plus the percentage of population growth. (56.57%).
7- Repeal the health care legislation passed on March 23, 2010: Defund, repeal and replace the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. (56.39%).
8- Pass an 'All-of-the-Above' Energy Policy: Authorize the exploration of additional energy reserves to reduce American dependence on foreign energy sources and reduce regulatory barriers to all other forms of energy creation. (55.5%).
9- Reduce Earmarks: Place a moratorium on all earmarks Until The IS budget balanced, And Then require a 2 / 3 Majority to pass "any earmarks. (55.47%).
10 - Reduce Taxes: Permanently Repeal all recent tax increaser, and extend Permanently The George W. Bush temporary reductions in income tax, capital gains tax and estate taxes, Currently Scheduled to end in 2011. (53.38%).

You can be for or against these claims, arguing certain points, expose other issues ...
But the common tactic of linking this movement to a racist is absolutely deplorable! It allows to discredit this movement without having to discuss their opinions.

While there surely are people who are racist in this movement. But this accusation is still a deplorable tactic of baseness to discredit by association while avoiding any discussion of conscience.
What the NAACP has seen few signs that it considers racist does not allow him to accuse the entire movement. To accuse the movement Tea Party of racism, it must do so in a debate of opinion. It must demonstrate by example that this movement is a facade to a movement whose aims are racist or something like that. And it must do with logical reasoning.

Until these people offer us such a text, one wonders who is the most racist in this.
One may also ask questions about the integrity of people so quick to cry racism but do not hesitate to deal with the supporters of this movement TeaBaggers ....
Obama Calls Tea Partiers 'Tea-Baggers'

What a strange world than ours. This course of action: Reply to a review by shouting names and nonsense should be condemned by all as the domain of children and not adults.


Can I Make Russian Morrowind To English

My government makes me feel generous

AHRC: Minister Bolduc announces the start of free
Minister of Health officially launched this morning an ambitious program of free AHR in Quebec. It will be a first of its kind in North America.

This year the government expects to reimburse 3000 cycles of in vitro fertilization (IVF) for a total of $ 25 million. But in 2014, 7000 cycles will be reimbursed for a total bill of $ 63 million.
"For sure that demand will grow over the coming months. Many infertile couples did not use the lack of fertilization. They can now do it, "said Bolduc.
What a great program, how generously, how people that Quebec Progressive ...
The day was filled with comments and praise in the media.

But there are two important points that are totally ignored by everyone might say.
The first is that this is not the government who pays it, it is the people of Quebec.
I am happy for those people who will have free access to this service, but one wonders by what moral principle is it me (and you) have to pay?

Ultimately, I am ready to bow to the majority (not much choice ...) if it was this choice but when a government that want to play generous with my money rather it is immoral.
And talking about the morality of our time. According to a majority of Quebeckers, it is moral to take money from some to give to those who want to have children ...
And it is immoral to demand that those who want to have children via this method bear the costs.
Where does this kind of moral way? Should we explain what is the moral and social justice in this ....
Tomorrow it will pay for the costs of foreign adoptions. And that will be after tomorrow?

And I will not comment on the argument that is regularly used is "the ability to pay the taxpayer." This argument demonstrates how we live in an immoral system.
The taxpayer is viewed here as a lemon, a sponge should be left to inflate from time to time before the repression ...
In this moral code, the recipient is entitled to compassion, the principles of justice.
The taxpayer, himself, is entitled to a break from time to time ....
The beneficiary has the right to free fertilization, the taxpayer himself must pay for that right at the expense of his needs to him. That is social justice?

The second point is that the Quebec government simply does not afford us this gift. We have no money. The health system swallows any money he launches and bursts always hunger. And it dares to add a charge not really negligible?
What folly!

And it is important not believe the figures put forward by the Minister. By as much experience thinking about it two seconds.
"treatment costs between $ 6000 and $ 15 000 .
This year the government expects to reimburse 3000 cycles of in vitro fertilization (IVF) for a total of $ 25 million.
Calculate fertilizations 3000 at a cost of $ 6000 to $ 15 000. That is between $ 18M and $ 45M.
Do you really think the government will come to the floor of this estimate? Do you think that private companies will not benefit from the fact that competition is more and increase their rates?

Amireault According to Me, save Quebec with his program because "what the state will invest one hand, it will save him from the other by reducing multiple pregnancies. Minister Bolduc also ensures that the program pay for itself, although it acknowledges that more nurses and staff will be hired to meet demand.
Here we swam in delirium ... To think that this service is self-financing is a joke ...
The argument here is that because there are fewer multiple pregnancies, the cost will cancel.
Mr. Bolduc told us anything and he also admits:
A single embryo at a time will be implanted in most patients to avoid multiple pregnancies. "What better supervision will be reduced by 30% to 5% multiple pregnancies due to assisted reproduction," said Minister Bolduc recognizes, however, does not have conducted detailed studies on this expected fall.
But it is certain that this decrease will save enough to finance the whole program .... It's wishful thinking that ...

And this magical thinking leaves out one very important point. Why do you think that more clinical implant an embryo? Without knowing the subject, it is obvious that this is because the success rate is not 100%. And even that is far below that figure.
n'implantant In one embryo, the failure rate is then necessarily increase.
But this is worse eh? Because it is not the paying customer, so it has just come back another time.

A $ 10,000 + operation, are you really sure that something is going to save Mr. Bolduc?
Not me.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Spc Number Bmo Spc Mastercard?

Bachand and debate the concept of conscience ...

Following an article published in the Journal de Montreal accusing the provincial government lying to us: "We lie to Quebecers' , Mr. Bachand is really not happy .

The problem is that these people consider themselves above government critics.
The text of Mr. Doucet is pure opinion piece, supported by figures and without personal attacks. Whether you agree or disagree with his opinion does not change anything.

And what should we be if we do not agree, simply reply with another text, or shut up.
This is called a debate of opinion, but this is sound hacker voice of extinction in our times.

Here's how these people think a replica:
- 1. avoid at all costs directly address the points raised. Remain vague and even repeat the original message.
- 2. attack the messenger, his credibility, his "credentials". Do not respond to public opinion but rather to demonstrate that the opinion of the person can not be credible. Personal attack, an association with something that is perceived as evil, skeleton in the closet, personal training, all means are good.
- 3. Take indignantly, paternalistic. Like "you know, what we want is the good of all .... I wonder what motivates that person to do so, "I feel really sad for such attacks ...», etc. ...
- 4. Stopper the rest of the reply by talking about "duck rut" or any other non-compromising imbecility giving the impression to replicate without doing ....
- 5. Finish with the gag. Ie to make threats left and right, tracking, ethics committee, etc.. The goal is to give the impression that the argument (which does not even) is so false that it amounts to a slanderous attack ...

Bachand seems to have learned his lessons well: Bachand-cons attack

The budget is transparent, has served Mr. Bachand. "The figures are projections. We'll see where we fall. But if one falls to 58% or if it falls to 65%, it will tell you that is 58% or 65% (...) You will be able to track those figures (...) There is a Auditor General of Quebec, there are hundreds of specialists from all the houses that are looking at the numbers. Talk to them, "pleaded the Minister of Finance.
Item 1. It is not on this that was the text of Mr. Doucet.

Raymond Bachand has shown again outraged by the story published in our delivery on Monday, saying it was "based on a false analysis coming to false conclusions (...)».
"It's a story that brings shame to the profession of journalism," chided the finance minister went so far as to question the competence of the accounting ag reated Louis Charbonneau whose studies have been the source of reports signed by the Journal.
"The report is based on a person who gives the title of chartered accountant, which is incorrect according to my information. This person is a chartered accountant, as far as I know.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants has intervened, "said Mr. Bachand.
A spokesman of the Order of Chartered Accountants, Mr Jean-Philippe Payment, confirmed the order on its own initiative, conduct an audit regarding the professional qualifications of Mr. Charbonneau.
Le Journal de Montreal said that Mr. Charbonneau was a member of the Order of Chartered Accountants until his retirement in 1996.
Item 2: personal attack.
Here we analyze false == false conclusions but not details on what is wrong.
Then we have this book (which is supposedly an imposter?). As if that changed anything to the argument. If Mr. Bachand want to discredit this book is all about with figures and arguments that it should.
And what about Accountant who has missed an opportunity to tell us it was just not one of those cases ... Need to listen to the numbers.

Raymond Bachand has again shown indignant ...
"It's a story that makes shame to the profession of journalism, "chided Minister of Finance ...
to complain about what he called "slippage" and claim "corrections" and "apology".
Point 3: The outrage at this affront.
Skid, shame on the profession of journalism? absolutely not ...

Quebec plans to provide 62% of the effort by compressing expenditures while Taxpayers will absorb 38% increases in taxes and tariffs, argued Raymond Bachand.
The budget is transparent, has served Mr. Bachand.
"The figures are projections. We'll see where we fall. But if one falls to 58% or if it falls to 65%, it will tell you that is 58% or 65% (...) You will be able to track those figures (...)
Item 4: bla bla bla, we repeated the message, taking care to avoid any issue raised the critically ...

Raymond Bachand said he wrote a "private letter" to Quebecor CEO Pierre Karl Peladeau to complain about what he called "slippage" and claim "corrections" and "excuses".
He also mentioned that the Ministry of Finance examines the recourse he may have. "The power of the press is important for democracy, but it is important that there be a standard of quality," he said.
Item 5: the gag, threats of retaliation ...

And it is here that Mr. Bachand shows us how it sees itself above criticism and how he is ready to crush the freedom expression for not debating.

"The power of the press is important for democracy, but it's important to have a quality standard"
is you who dictate the quality standards I guess Mr. Bachand?
Species of Chihuahua who thinks he is a dictator!
