Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Nominated for the second time ... Essential small evergreen grasses

Nominated for the second time!
Sylvaine Jardin du Clos, friendship made me choose my garden in its list of "Liebster blog.
Sylvia is a discreet and modest gardener who shows a lot of etiquette . We're out of time behind the walls of Vieux Clos. Through his blog always pleasantly presented, Sylvia shares her memories and shows us his garden with a tasteful simplicity, away from fads. After reading his posts, I always feel like a break. And if you have not yet had the pleasure of discovering the Old Clos, a click on http://sylvaine92.over-blog.com/

And now is the time to tell you my choices:

Garden of Violets http://lejardindesviolettes.over-blog.com/
The garden of Oscar http://lejardindoscar. blogspot.com /
's Garden Carzana http://lejardindecarzan.blogs.lalibre.be/

- Violet wonder it is so dynamic! His modesty hides behind a planter confirmed the generous nature and many talents. Let's wait a while and his new garden will amaze us.
- For Louli, there's the atmosphere that she gave to her garden. And I often agree with his choices. If we were to nominate both a hydrangea, Hydrangea serrata would be "Precioza" ...
- Carzana is still a beautiful garden, with beautiful accomplishments "home". And an energetic gardener, to taste safer.

I remember the rule:

-Accept award and write a post on the person who gave you the
- Choose from 3 to 5 blogs that you like and tell them they have won
- Send the link to your blog

Monday, February 28, 2011

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Come on, I start with a little wakeup call:
When creating a blog, I've said that I 'had intended to present the garden month by month. So as it is, more or less attractive depending on when and no photo retouched or taken out of season (unless I am referring to a previous post).

Today I take you have a look on the side of short grass evergreen garden. Yellow, green, blue, red ... it gives a little relief to massive bare by winter. The

photographed here two days ago, so not at their best form. Then why you have these conditions? Well, because I think that with all they have endured in recent months, they are not faring too badly. And gardeners who must cope with a harsh climate, although we will see "housed in the same boat!

Carex hachijoensis "Evergold" has a very bright foliage. He likes everywhere: in dry soil or fresh. I associate it with ferns persisted. In tight clumps it forms a nice ground cover maintenance free.

Carex buchananii Carex or Bronze. I install it willingly among the leaves red because the center of the plant was blushed. It grows everywhere and sow abundantly.

Carex "Silversceptre", a bit sloppy after the snow this Winter ... I'm about to groom it to produce new shoots pale green and white variegation. It likes the freshness and spreads by stolons that were deleted with ease.

Carex morrowii "variegata" and his buddy right, a Carex escaped from the nearby forest!
Note in passing the foam which invaded the floor of the undergrowth.

Carex testacea 'Prairie Fire' finds its bright orange color on sunny days
because it needs sunlight to be colored.

In rock, the popular Stipa tenuifolia. She also sow abundantly.

Among the "blue grass" and in its apparent fragility, Helictrotrichon sempervirens resistant to - 20 ° C. I planted at the bottom of the pine forest, in full sun and very dry soil.
It is true that this season grass that does not give the best of itself. In the month of May it will resume its beautiful blue color and a pretty rewarding to us as a long flowering stems, agitated at the slightest breath of wind.

In the pines again, a cover of Festuca glauca "Elijah Blue." Again the weight of the snow has flattened a bit. I'm about to comb with a small rake that I pass in the foliage clean. Like Helictrotrichon sempervirens, they rependront their blue tint in the sun. Well-drained soil essential.

Finally here Carex 'Frosted Curls'. I keep it in the pot so that its light green foliage late fall on the edges of the container.

These small grasses are very accommodating and I confess that I can not do without! Only a few will need a little grooming in the spring. The others will re beauty alone. And all held company in summer clothing, with many plants of massive I'll introduce in the coming months.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Front Tooth Broken Cost


By visiting "My Heath Earth", what has not been my surprise to discover my name and my garden, in the trio nominated by Marie- Noelle! Like the latter, I do not usually find the distinctions, but how could I refuse this gift of a faithful correspondent with whom I have much in common? And again, I am pleased to learn that Sylvia and Violet are at my side!
I therefore thank you to our friend.

From the inception of my blog, I followed with interest the notes Marie-Noëlle. It seems that Britons and Franc-Comtois have some similarities. I immediately guessed a flower with a strong character. Which could only please me.
Marie-Noëlle presents us with beautiful pink but ... tells us that do not like them! Eric Tabarly His rose is beautiful. I hope that I recently planted, will become as strong as that of "My Earth Heather" ...
I just discovered in his garden plants at the pace sometimes "exotic", which I learn a lot because I can not afford to plant them here.
And then there's Marie-Noelle and camellias! Need a name, a reference? Unbeatable on our topic Jardinautes! Passion when you hold us ...
Then Marie-Noëlle, continuous we dream by sharing with us your travels, or by presenting us your remarkable flowering.

Les fleurs du jardin

And now is the time to make a choice, and believe me, it's really not easy! Marie-Noelle was arrested with three names, but for my part, I will go to five, well sorry for not able to expand the list!
So, in alphabetical order, the nominees are ...

's Garden Berthille (Blandine)
Garden Brigitte (Brigitte)
's Garden Chêneland (Jocelyne)
My garden's evolution (Marcel)
A little corner of nature (Marie-Claude)

Briefly, I will summarize the reasons that tipped the balance :

If Blandine is a passionate gardener, she also has an encyclopedic knowledge of plants! Doubt on identification? Come on, hop garden Berthille certainly has the answer! The good mood too! Chez Brigitte

, I appreciate the natural side of her garden, and as she is concerned to preserve biodiversity, we are on the same wavelength.

Jocelyne ... surprised! I guess a lot of work in the care she brings to her Chêneland, the choice and combination of plants.

The behavior of "eco-responsible" Marcel is noteworthy. The simplicity and weighting in its tickets, all sprinkled with a little humor ... And then, finally, a gardener among the ladies, not just a "carrier of wheelbarrows" ...

Plants by Marie-Claude are chosen agreement with my personal tastes. And who could resist so fancy?

And now a reminder of the rule of the game:

- Accepting the Award and write a post about that which you have been awarded.
- selected from 3 to 5 blogs that you like and tell them they have won.
- Send the link to your blog to these people

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How To Describe A Hot Body

Cyclamen hederifolium: foliage varied! Buxus suffruticosa

It there are small pleasures that brighten the garden of our days late winter, gray ... or white because it snowed a little this morning.
few years ago, when the garden was not yet built, I planted some Cyclamen hederifolium in a corner of the pine forest. I do not bore me in this little place, except for picking up pine needles. I do not therefore took advantage of flowering and foliage that is, I did not pay attention. Actually, I do not even notice these cyclamen ...
knows why, one morning, I'm worried their spread? On this side there, nothing happened; ants should not hang there ...
Then last year I dug up my bulbs and I planted at the other end of the garden, beneath a big tree where nothing much grows but where I go often. It seems that the cyclamen likes limestone soils ... This was not the case at that point!

Anyway, these bulbs seem to prosper and ants were put to work: small cyclamen germinate among the fir needles and leaves of ivy.

It is true that it must be observed to notice something. Left red arrow, a small cyclamen do not confuse the right with the ivy Glechoma hederacea Use ground or (blue arrow).
Ivy Glechoma are welcome and they furnish the ground when the leaves of cyclamen disappear.

And then another surprise: the foliage! I thought that all had the same cyclamen leaves. I was worried just flower color. Until I discovered the blog of Garden Berthille that there were very nice foliage with variegation varied.

Determined to fill that corner ungrateful, I started to watch this case germination. At the same time I paid attention to those famous leaves. And what was not my surprise to discover many different leaves from a bulb to another, differing in their variegation, but also by color or the leaf shape. I'm quite surprised, but also quite pleased with my discovery ! Here is something I do not neglect on my future purchases.

leaves shine a little, this morning the snow turned into rain fine.