Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Megastream, Big Bang Theory

The extinction of large herbivores she cooled the planet?

The rapid decline of mammoths, mastodons and other large herbivores, occurred after the arrival of human populations in the Americas, could explain the abrupt cooling at the surface of the globe 12,800 years ago, researchers have said Sunday.

Here 13,400 years before humans did chase, the hundreds of species of herbivores inhabiting the New World release of huge quantities of methane from both ends of the digestive tract.
Although methane is a greenhouse gas emissions thirty times more potent than carbon dioxide (CO2), methane emissions in the fauna were not enough to cause global warming climate .

But, according to a study published Sunday by the journal Nature Geoscience, appear here 12,700 years of glaciation a thousand years known as the Younger Dryas, could be related to the sudden reduction of these emissions. The average temperature was then dropped approximately 7 ° C.
So if you believe what these people say, historically, an increase of methane in the atmosphere does not create global warming but a decrease results in a glacial period. But then, who does not want more methane?

"We believe that the loss of the megafauna could explain 12.5% to 100% of the methane reduction observed," the researchers summarized, for which the extinction of large herbivores is the " first catastrophic event attributed to human activity. "

If this happens, the Anthropocene, the era when man has had major effects on climate, does would not start with the industrial revolution two centuries ago, but when the influx of bipedal predators in America, there are 13 400.
The researchers therefore propose to delay for 13 millennia the date of start of the Anthropocene.
is what these scientists (?) Want here: we say that humans are the "source of bad climate" for 13 thousand years. Before, nature was a paradise (on earth ..) but the man arrived. He has exterminated species, causing an ice age ...

Prior to human intervention , herbivores prehistoric American emits about ten million tonnes of methane (from 2.3 to 25,000,000 tons) into the atmosphere annually, according to researchers extrapolated from current emissions of ruminants.
According to ice cores on the history of climate, a sudden drop in the concentration of methane in the atmosphere of 180 ppbv (parts per billion by volume) was observed at a time coinciding with the extinction of large herbivores and the U.S. start of the Younger Dryas glacial period.
- The man has exterminated these animals.
This is very doubtful ... There is no evidence to suggest this.
- The methane in the atmosphere decreases.
- The temperature decreases.

What the study tells us is that man has killed these animals, causing a decrease in methane, because of the ensuing glaciation.

Well, who knows ... but it is easy to imagine a much simpler scenario did not like the obsession GHG
climate change, species fail to survive. And methane in the atmosphere decreases because as more and more surface is frozen, biological activity is decreased.

Take your camp if you want but know that it is impossible for the moment to lean to one side or the other with science. Only your
little reason to give you clues ...
For example, the fact that these animals have so much methane emitted without causing warming Climate puts doubt on the former. (And on the theory of our time about the methane) ...
say that this ice age was caused by the extinction of these animals are forced to ask: yes, but then what caused the other ice ages?
As it is certain that during an ice age, the biological activity of the planet decreases (within 1 km of ice, it does not happen much in terms of life), how is it possible to separate the decrease methane that caused the cold portion due to the cold?
And finally, since methane is the cause and that methane production is undoubtedly reduced during this glaciation, how it does it have ended?



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