Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Megastream, Big Bang Theory

The extinction of large herbivores she cooled the planet?

The rapid decline of mammoths, mastodons and other large herbivores, occurred after the arrival of human populations in the Americas, could explain the abrupt cooling at the surface of the globe 12,800 years ago, researchers have said Sunday.

Here 13,400 years before humans did chase, the hundreds of species of herbivores inhabiting the New World release of huge quantities of methane from both ends of the digestive tract.
Although methane is a greenhouse gas emissions thirty times more potent than carbon dioxide (CO2), methane emissions in the fauna were not enough to cause global warming climate .

But, according to a study published Sunday by the journal Nature Geoscience, appear here 12,700 years of glaciation a thousand years known as the Younger Dryas, could be related to the sudden reduction of these emissions. The average temperature was then dropped approximately 7 ° C.
So if you believe what these people say, historically, an increase of methane in the atmosphere does not create global warming but a decrease results in a glacial period. But then, who does not want more methane?

"We believe that the loss of the megafauna could explain 12.5% to 100% of the methane reduction observed," the researchers summarized, for which the extinction of large herbivores is the " first catastrophic event attributed to human activity. "

If this happens, the Anthropocene, the era when man has had major effects on climate, does would not start with the industrial revolution two centuries ago, but when the influx of bipedal predators in America, there are 13 400.
The researchers therefore propose to delay for 13 millennia the date of start of the Anthropocene.
is what these scientists (?) Want here: we say that humans are the "source of bad climate" for 13 thousand years. Before, nature was a paradise (on earth ..) but the man arrived. He has exterminated species, causing an ice age ...

Prior to human intervention , herbivores prehistoric American emits about ten million tonnes of methane (from 2.3 to 25,000,000 tons) into the atmosphere annually, according to researchers extrapolated from current emissions of ruminants.
According to ice cores on the history of climate, a sudden drop in the concentration of methane in the atmosphere of 180 ppbv (parts per billion by volume) was observed at a time coinciding with the extinction of large herbivores and the U.S. start of the Younger Dryas glacial period.
- The man has exterminated these animals.
This is very doubtful ... There is no evidence to suggest this.
- The methane in the atmosphere decreases.
- The temperature decreases.

What the study tells us is that man has killed these animals, causing a decrease in methane, because of the ensuing glaciation.

Well, who knows ... but it is easy to imagine a much simpler scenario did not like the obsession GHG
climate change, species fail to survive. And methane in the atmosphere decreases because as more and more surface is frozen, biological activity is decreased.

Take your camp if you want but know that it is impossible for the moment to lean to one side or the other with science. Only your
little reason to give you clues ...
For example, the fact that these animals have so much methane emitted without causing warming Climate puts doubt on the former. (And on the theory of our time about the methane) ...
say that this ice age was caused by the extinction of these animals are forced to ask: yes, but then what caused the other ice ages?
As it is certain that during an ice age, the biological activity of the planet decreases (within 1 km of ice, it does not happen much in terms of life), how is it possible to separate the decrease methane that caused the cold portion due to the cold?
And finally, since methane is the cause and that methane production is undoubtedly reduced during this glaciation, how it does it have ended?


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bmx Stunt Bikes For Less Than £150

Tax is not a tool of morality.

Quebecers supported a tax on sugary drinks

Three quarters of Quebecers and almost as many Canadians would welcome the introduction of a tax special energy drinks and soft drinks if the authorities were investing the proceeds in the prevention of obesity.

In an interview, the director of the coalition, Suzie Pellerin noted that it had commissioned a similar poll before the budget of the Minister of Finance Raymond Bachand and support remained the same before and after the budget, despite the general dissatisfaction with the other taxes in this budget.

A tax is a tool to finance the government. But it is clear in this context that a majority of people want to use this tool to impose what is considered good and bad in our society. Want to use this tool to impose morality on other citizens.

And this is precisely wrong ...

Even for someone who believes that the company has rights to these individuals, it is difficult to accept that a free society decides what an individual is entitled or not to drink or eat.
Even for those who believe that it is society that decides the main lines of evolution (not individuals), how can they justify what a person eats is significant for this company.

This way of imposing morality to citizens in the form of tax is absolutely deplorable.
Democracy is to allow citizens to "choose" outline his company chooses. When democracy is used to define what a citizen has the right to eat or not, this is where democracy becomes a tyranny of the majority.

And the worst is that 5 cents of tax will change absolutely nothing about anything. For example, for me, this represents an annual loss of around 30 under ... Nothing to change my habits ... And for those who actually consume these beverages, do you really they will change their habits? To do so they really should be that the tax is several times larger ...
But so what? Why be in favor of a tax on a moral basis (not on a funding base) while knowing that it will change absolutely nothing?
This reasoning is beyond me ...

Worse, if 75% of Canadians support such a tax, I'm sure, given the quantity consumed of these products that many of them consume ...
But then why be in favor of a tax on a product you consume, knowing that this is not to fund government?
Or might think that such a junkie, you say, tax it for me I stop my vice.
but I doubt that these people in favor of the tax (and those who drink liquor) plan less and drink ...

But then, why so many people are in favor of this tax entity, given that it is not to fund government, nor to reduce consumption?

Well, the only conclusion I can see is: the moral value for the gesture!
It is in favor of a tax just to assert a moral value. Here: soft drinks are not good for your health ...

must make express its value through a tax is rather loose: instead of having to defend its values, they vote ....
We must realize that this path is very dangerous for the freedom of a people. This case is trivial and inconsequential but over this mentality to impose these values (for failing to confront them?) Is accepted and used, the more freedom people will be subject to the majority.

But mostly, we accept these values. If you love but do not drink Coke (or little) for health reasons, you must accept that the neighbor not reaching the same conclusion as you. If you shit because you suspect him to drink full, it is that you must ask. Wanting to prevent him from drinking because you do not do it is to envy.

Live and let die ....

Monday, May 10, 2010

Interesting Facts About Tay-sachs

The IMF plan for Greece has already failed in Argentina. Try rather hypocritical?

IMF's plan for Greece has already failed in Argentina

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) imposed in Greece, through a rescue plan concocted with the European Union (EU), the same old recipes austerity did not prevent Argentina from running in 2001, according to analysts.
The IMF and EU countries have agreed on the establishment of a historic rescue plan of up to 750 billion euros to help countries in the euro area and stem the financial crisis Greek threat to win the whole planet.
"It's an enormous figure, but it does not guarantee one thing: for three years in Greece to pay his debt," said Jorge Remes Lenicov, Minister of Economy of Argentina in 2002 during the worst crisis economic history.
"This solves the problem of debt, not that of competitiveness," he argues.

The similarities between the Greek crisis of 2001 and Argentina are striking at first sight: even indebtedness,
even impossible to avoid bankruptcy by devaluing .

Argentina had could resume growth in pain after a 65% devaluation of its currency and the explosion of parity peso / dollar.
Meanwhile, the safety net prevents the euro area in Greece to declare bankruptcy, but also devalue the appeal with austerity.
We increasingly hear that speech that Greece can not devalue its currency, which would be even a cause of these problems.

Here, we are told that if this country could devalue its currency, it would not condemned to the austerity and facing a competitiveness problem.

For those who are not too concerned about the economy, the idea of a currency devaluation does not seem a great evil: every day, world currencies fluctuate against one other without much impact for the citizen.
But these people to further devaluation of the currency are people who favor the hypocritical face of the whole world, not surprising that they use words without fully explaining them ...

What devalue its currency here? It is very simple: it is printing money to pay his debts ... Greece can not do this because it has no control over the Euro. The United States can and do plenty for 2 years.
Is that Greece is at a disadvantage as this?

Printing money to pay its debt if it were that easy, everyone would do it and we'd all be rich.
devalue a currency is to have recourse to the inflation of money supply, which has the effect of increasing prices by decreasing the value of money.

Yes, this can allow the illusion of not having recourse to an austerity plan. But this is also the in the most dishonest, most hypocritical to pay a debt. Dishonest
for creditors who are being shortchanged by being reimbursed with a currency that lost value. (With an annual inflation of 10% for a debt of 5 years is 50% loss. Obviously that future creditors will adjust their interest rates as a result of this expected loss: hello, rising interest rates!)

For ordinary citizens, inflation, the loss is insured. Wages do not adjust as fast as inflation. Anyone with cash or savings in numbers (ie: amount of such bank ) Is a loser.

For the economy, the price system is short-circuited, the confidence is gone and can not grow. The money must be consumed quickly in order not to lose too. This promotes consumption to the detriment of the economy ...

But the worst part of this solution is that in a highly inflationary economy, not the trust and honesty that installs but corruption. Instead of putting efforts to produce, people are making efforts to hold their own games as best they can.

What is better for a country bankrupted then?
Taking Charge, live within those means.
Or take the path of hypocrisy to continue as before but its debts by printing without explaining the consequences for citizens.

One has a real chance once the worst is over, to continue in the right way to live within its means and thus increase its medium (ie, growth / competitiveness).
The other closes its eyes, business as usual, but at the expense of the wealth of all citizens. He has before him that the economic decline and eventually collapse of its currency.

And for those who say that a little inflation to get out of the hole is a good compromise, as I answer this: those people who have led the economy into the hole without having been able to demonstrate to some wisdom for the debts of the country, would you now trust them to wisely use inflation?

Once a government has tasted inflation to solve its problems and paying party, it is unable to stop.
And the best example of this are the United States now. This country is going to literally print its loss and its claims and its social-democratic party. He believes in the above reality, but it's waiting around the next corner! And the more time passes, the shock will be great.


Blue Intensifier Hair

The euro would be saved in the short term, according to UN

The euro would be saved in the short term, according to UN
The assistance plan developed by European countries to strengthen and protect the euro has helped save the European currency in the short term but no more, said Monday the chief economist of the economic body of reference of the UN.

"The euro has been saved for the moment but not in the medium term. In the medium term, is the problem of competitiveness among European countries that should be resolved " , told AFP chief economist of the Conference of UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Heiner Flassbeck, on the sidelines of a conference on global crises taking place in Geneva.

"Germany must lose competitiveness and other countries must win," he said, adding that European countries lacked "political will" to address this issue.

Yes, yes, it is believed that the chief economist of the UN: Germany must lose competitiveness for Europe economic stability has improved!
UN is the way to solve a problem: dumb down.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Aggressive Inline Skates Toronto

The jolt of the U.S. stock market ... What

The Wall Street stock market plays in rollercoasters. Thursday, within hours, a historic decline and a recovery surprising ...

a mistake, "a trader would have a zero too many in a transaction.
You believe that you? Do you think that nobody had been mistaken for a zero before?
What about a system that falls into panic mode to any transaction "unconventional"? ... In a few minutes more?
Would you really put your ball in such a system?

And what about this system when it goes back so quickly? Reassuring!
Is it because so many people waiting to buy when everything is collapsing to a certain level? Is it even a government manipulation to try to avoid a crash? who knows ...

But one thing is certain, unless you're a gambler hardens, the stock market and more than not U.S. stocks should be avoided .... When everything
the world is on guard as is the case now, this is no time to play recklessly ... This is the time to turn!

impossible to know how the stock market will behave in the coming days but whoever told you that this is normal and what is important is to "be happy" and see long term is a liar!

Even for those who have mutual funds, it is possible to get out of this Russian roulette (Russian ??...) further by transferring your money into bond funds and / or money.
If the U.S. stock market drop, which believes that Canada will not be affected?
all about risk: risk a little less profit potential for a few months vs. the risk of being part of the plunge ...
Your choice.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lighter Fluid Substitute Charcoal

think the Greeks?

strike escalates in Greece: three dead
The demonstrations in Greece yesterday to protest against the austerity budget announced a few days ago the government escalated, killing at least three dead and several wounded.

Tuesday already, dozens of activists had climbed up the Acropolis to r deploys banners urging peoples of Europe to "rise up" against cuts across to restore public finances.
disorders occur a few days after the government of Prime Minister George Papandreou had agreed to impose draconian measures to generate savings of 30 billion euros in three years to ensure the support of the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.
At the end of the week, the plan will be voted on by elected Greek, who must deal with the possibility of escalating violence.
"This is just the beginning of a great war , assured yesterday by Agence France-Presse, one of the protesters.
What these people think? They appear to What exactly is a "great war" against whom?
Against cuts? But what they do not understand the fact of being bankrupt?

Does What do they mean? Magic? That money appears like that?
Or worse, the rest of Europe pays for them. By what moral principle?

This mania to deny reality, deny the facts. You're Down and Out in is not so difficult to understand that either?
And for whatever reason, it is too late to simply acknowledge and ignore. He should have thought before. Now, everyone must pay and quickly ....

And as you have no control over your money, it is impossible to absorb this debt by inflation, by printing money. (Which is a good thing either for the people: for poorer until hyperinflation perhaps they realize their situation ...

They accuse the left and right issue not having to incriminate oneself. The Banks, credit rating agencies, etc.. But your problems are not caused directly by banks. The officials, since you are in a democracy is you!
Yesterday he had to open those eyes and ask for healthier finances to your government. Today it is too late.
It is useless to protest as you claim to not having to open your eyes!

Yesterday he had to take the path of production of wealth rather than the illusion of credit.

Hopefully now that this situation might serve to awaken other people. Specifically, Quebec in my case. Quebec is not far behind Greece. And it is in a similar situation: not having control of its currency, it has not leisure to convince his people that everything is OK by printing money.
Quebec's debt is enormous .... We had a dishonest debate how much of our debt is a "good" debt vs. "bad" debt. But what has been put aside in this debate and that any debt, if you're even able to pay interest is necessarily a bad debt ...

And if Quebec was threatened with bankruptcy, would you dare go out to accuse the rest of Canada does not want to support this debt?
It would not embarrassing?

but much less debt service (expenditure) we ask our government.
He plays the game ... for you ....
What awaits us down the road? Ask the Greeks!


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

�i-catcher Console - Web Monitor

Poverty in Africa: progress undermined by climate change 20 years after

Poverty in Africa: progress undermined by climate change

Climate change threatens progress in Africa in the fight against poverty and food security, warned Tuesday the United Nations UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

The main consequence of rising temperatures and increasingly unpredictable climate would be a setback likely agricultural yields (-6.9% in the case of maize, a staple food), said in a statement FAO, headquartered in Rome.

A third of Africa's population lives in areas prone to drought and the ten largest cities in Africa, six are located on the coast. These two types are vulnerable to climate change, according to the paper presented at the FAO Regional Conference for Africa in Luanda (Angola) this week.
Climate change will affect the poorest African countries so disproportionate and heaviest impact will be felt their poorest people, according to FAO.

What makes more shit in this kind of message is to see how the current situation is not really important for these people. What matters to them is the fact that it could possibly be worse. View the message all is the conditional or future. Nothing in the present.

But these people are poor today and tomorrow will starve. What are you doing this? Nothing! What matters is those above that could possibly die if your fears prove true.
But what did you go behind this mask of compassion? Monsters or manipulative? .... Ha !,... UN? ... OK ....

Adaptation to climate change through sustainable practices, including the promotion and protection of traditional foods and local agricultural knowledge, should be a priority, the document said.
Finally, I think you're probably eating monsters of suffering and death of these people!
The promotion and protection of traditional foods and local priority eh?
These people do not starve since yesterday morning! And what do you identify as priority number 1 for out of poverty? The status quo .... they continue to do as they have always been ...

Bravo dear UN! Still relevant ...
And then we wonder why nothing changes in these countries despite decades of interventions ...


Sororities Initiation Ideas

the Exxon Valdez, Alaska still recovering from his wounds

oil still glued to the rocks, dozens of species decimated fishing villages struggling between alcoholism and domestic violence ... More than 20 years after the oil spill from the Exxon Valdez, Alaska never ceases to heal its wounds.

"What you see on the news is the images of oil floating on water and spilled on beaches, animals and birds oiled, told AFP Stan Jones, the regional council of Prince William Sound. "The human toll is harder to see because they develop later," he said.

What we said is that the text following this accident, several fishing jobs have disappeared. As was the village's largest industry, the impact is not negligible, have agreed. As
take us for fools, we must bring the package to convince us ... But sometimes we put a little bit too:
Steve Picou, Professor of Sociology at the University of South Alabama, has conducted extensive research on the consequences of the spill on the populations of the region.

"What we discovered is that five or six years after the disaster, people have become very depressed and isolated. There were many syndromes of post-traumatic stress and nervous breakdowns, "he says.
Mr. Picou also notes that "social capital" of several communities collapsed, local residents refused to become involved in public life - whether in elections or to join the board of directors of a school, for example.
"People do not want to get involved," he said.
"In addition, there has been an increase in domestic violence, divorces and bankruptcies. It's like a collective trauma, as if a whole town was in shock. Social relations and family structures have collapsed, "says Will il.M. Picou cites the example of the city of Cordova, who in 1992 created an organization to assist and provide shelter for battered women.
"They had never needed before. Domestic violence did not exist. "

When you want to put everything on the back of a stake is how it should do it ...
Assume that all this is true and not exaggerated these people are still not well because of the values of crude! The reason is because their main industry is collapsing.
is deplorable but it is certainly not unique.
Consider these mining towns where the mine closed, Murdochville example. Take all these villages in the Gaspe who had fishing as their main industry. The industry no longer exists. These industrial cities whose industry was first closed.
They are all identical social dramas.

In these cases, many return quickly and find a new job, creates a new business, etc. the other to leave for better opportunities.
Is it healthy to feel sorry for the fate of those who failed to take charge 20 years later?
What is most valuable to you? The village takes pity on her plight ( I do not know if it's reality but it is what the text suggests ), who left to die or for example the case of Murdochville cited by Wiki:
The mine closed in 1999 Leaving the town to fight for survival. After SEVERAL close calls, The small town has Decided to Fight Back To turn around The Economic Uncertainties That Fell onto the Town. This has included The Creation of SEVERAL large wind Turbine Projects Along With The diversification of The Local Economy. The economy est aussi Composed by "during the winter skiing and tourism.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Poptropica How To Get Free Credits

About this oil slick.

The accident at the BP oil rig is a serious accident.
Although it is too early to speculate on the consequences as do many, I intend to watch the attitude of each face of this disaster.

The Eco take this opportunity to repeat ourselves how oil is a bad thing. How offshore drilling should be prohibited. You know the song.

Governments and intellectuals tell us how the pursuit of profit without government control inevitably leads to such disasters. This song also, we know the drill.

What few people see in this accident is the human genius. Some will say, look where it leads us your human genius ... But I do not agree.
Humanity is moving forward, she overpowers technologies tremendous complexity. And drilling in high seas is one. The magnitude of the challenges is daunting but the human subject with a score more than acceptable.

Yes, there are accidents such as that just happened. Yes, the consequences are unfortunate.
But is this a reason to give up?
What would humanity if we abandoned the aircraft in the first plane crash?

If you follow closely all transactions made by BP for the leak, you can still see that this human ingenuity at work. They act rapidly on several fronts simultaneously.

Humanity is moving forward, humanity take risks. Controlled risk, but risks. It is so easy to blame when the accident was a fact, it is so easy to point the finger at risk when they become concrete facts ... But is that humans should avoid any risk so far?
There was a time or take risks was a sign of rationality, courage. Now the risk is considered fraud, a selfish gesture. The notion of risk is more controlled.

analysis of the accident may tell us what were the causes. There will no doubt lessons of risk and safety to be learned.
But those who tell us that this operation would never have existed and this accident is proof that they are fearful, comfortably installed in their well-being. Unable to realize that everything they enjoy welfare is because others before them have gone ahead with the technology and took risks ...

Whether you are green or not, oil is still needed. Even those users of hybrids are consumers.
You saw the impact of a world without airplanes lately with the volcano in the weird name? Come tell me that's the kind of world you want for mankind!

We need that energy, even what time to find a new one that really works. Is it so difficult for everyone to accept reality?

All this means that if you were honest with the reality, your response should be something more like "shit! It's really ugly incident as ... Minimize the damage and try it from happening again. "
and not" Ha! These oil that damned oil! They will pay for their affront. "

The affront is to get you what you want to buy at the best possible price: oil.
