Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Nominated for the second time ... Essential small evergreen grasses

Nominated for the second time!
Sylvaine Jardin du Clos, friendship made me choose my garden in its list of "Liebster blog.
Sylvia is a discreet and modest gardener who shows a lot of etiquette . We're out of time behind the walls of Vieux Clos. Through his blog always pleasantly presented, Sylvia shares her memories and shows us his garden with a tasteful simplicity, away from fads. After reading his posts, I always feel like a break. And if you have not yet had the pleasure of discovering the Old Clos, a click on http://sylvaine92.over-blog.com/

And now is the time to tell you my choices:

Garden of Violets http://lejardindesviolettes.over-blog.com/
The garden of Oscar http://lejardindoscar. blogspot.com /
's Garden Carzana http://lejardindecarzan.blogs.lalibre.be/

- Violet wonder it is so dynamic! His modesty hides behind a planter confirmed the generous nature and many talents. Let's wait a while and his new garden will amaze us.
- For Louli, there's the atmosphere that she gave to her garden. And I often agree with his choices. If we were to nominate both a hydrangea, Hydrangea serrata would be "Precioza" ...
- Carzana is still a beautiful garden, with beautiful accomplishments "home". And an energetic gardener, to taste safer.

I remember the rule:

-Accept award and write a post on the person who gave you the
- Choose from 3 to 5 blogs that you like and tell them they have won
- Send the link to your blog